View Inventory on POS : Failed on POS machine connected to on-premises Store.

View Inventory on POS : Failed on POS machine connected to on-premises Store.

Problem Statement

There is one scenario :

Getting an error "Inventory Status updated from enterprise server failed" while clicking on Retrieve from Server button at POS machine however another POS machine ( connected to same stores) doesn't have this error.

Note :   the KM KB0012565 (Steps to enable "Retrieve from Server functionality" at the Store server) 


iVend 6.6


Getting an error "Inventory Status updated from enterprise server failed" while clicking on Retrieve from Server button at POS machine

Resolution/Work Around

There was two POS machine connected to same stores. One POS machine doesn't have issue but another has issue to view the inventory with In the problematic machine , an error "Inventory Status updated from enterprise server failed" while clicking on Retrieve from Server functionality (button) . I

It was noticed that problematic POS machine was not connected with customer VPN but with different network configuration so Once customer moved network configuration on VPN network, user was able to get the view inventory on POS machine successfully.

Other check points :-

1.Configure iVend API under iVend Configuration Manager at Enterprise Server.
2.iVend API should be running at the Enterprise Server.
3.Open Enterprise Server Management Console and choose Administration > System Initialization > Communication Settings.
4.API Server Address need to be mentioned and use below link in API server: -

5.http://API server IP/iVendAPI/iVendAPI.svc/webapi
6.Same API link need to be mentioned under store Object