Session 3.3 - Additional Articles

Session 3.3 - Additional Articles

Read the following articles that cover the topics on:

  • Understanding Inventory Movements for Layaways (Laybys) and Sales Orders

  • Mechanism for Tax Calculations at the POS

  • Discount Determination and Conflict Resolution

  • Combining Multiple Suspended Transactions at the POS

  • Increasing Sales using Up-sells

Then complete the quiz that you will find on the last page after the articles in this chapter.

You should aim to achieve at least 85% (e.g. 6 out of 7 correct answers) before moving on to the next chapter. If you get more than one (1) wrong answer then we recommend reviewing the articles again as we consider anything greater to be a low score and indicates more revision is required.

All articles can be viewed on-screen or printed if preferred.

Click the Next button above when you are ready to move to the next page and begin your review of the articles...

Understanding Inventory Movements for Layaways (Laybys) and Sales Orders

Read the following article that covers the topic:

Understanding Inventory Movements for Layaways (Laybys) and Sales Orders

Click below to view the presentation. Alternatively, you can choose to print a copy of the article if you prefer.

Mechanism for Tax Calculations at the POS - Article

Read the following article that covers the topic:

Mechanism for Tax Calculations at the POS in iVend Retail

Click below to view the presentation. Alternatively, you can choose to print a copy of the article if you prefer.

Discount Determination and Conflict Resolution

Read the following article that covers the topic:

Discount Resolution Setup

Click below to view the presentation. Alternatively, you can choose to print a copy of the article if you prefer.

Combining Multiple Suspended Transactions at the POS

Read the following article that covers the topic:

Combining Multiple Suspended Transactions at the POS

Click below to view the presentation. Alternatively, you can choose to print a copy of the article if you prefer.

Increasing Sales with Up-sells

Read the following article that covers the topic:

Increasing Sales with Up-sells

Click below to view the presentation. Alternatively, you can choose to print a copy of the article if you prefer.

Session 3.2

Session 4.1

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