Session 1.2 - iVend Retail Installation

Session 1.2 - iVend Retail Installation

In this chapter we take a look at the iVend Retail Installation and System Configuration.

Review each topic unit and then test your knowledge within the videos or by completing the separate quizzes you find within the course itself.

Complete all the units in each session before moving on to the next chapter.

Enterprise Setup -Getting Started with iVend Cloud

iVend Cloud

iVend Cloud is the managed services offering for iVend Retail and its related modules. iVend Cloud includes iVend Retail software and its managed services including Application Management, Infrastructure Management and Support365 Standard.  

In partnership with Microsoft, iVend Cloud is available on the Microsoft Azure infrastructure.  Therefore, customers of iVend Cloud will not need to make an investment in hardware and infrastructure to support the operation of iVend Cloud for their business. This is all included and part of the iVend Cloud offering.  An iVend Cloud customer will only be responsible for providing supported iVend POS hardware and working internet to connect to iVend Cloud from the local iVend POS.  

With iVend Cloud retailers gain a complete view of operations across the retail ecosystem from any Internet browser enabling them to remain more competitive and responsive to market fluctuations.

iVend Cloud includes comprehensive Application Management services in the standard license fee that will be performed by the iVend core application team where we as an organization become the extended IT team for a retail business.

Complete Infrastructure Management is also delivered by a dedicated team of infrastructure experts from our company, so a retailer does not need to make an investment in the acquisition of servers and the maintenance that comes along with that.

iVend Cloud includes comprehensive support based on the Support365 Standard plan in the monthly licensing fee.

iVend Retail is an enterprise class retail management solution that addresses omnichannel requirements of medium to large sized retailers.

As an integrated Omnichannel retail management solution, iVend Retail helps retailers to optimize business operations to gain more time to focus on what really matters – cultivating customer engagement and capitalizing on retail trends. iVend Retail helps retailers increase revenue, build customer loyalty, reach new customers and lower their operating costs. 

How to Log in to iVend Cloud

iVend Cloud URL and Super user login credentials will be provided in welcome email.

Open the URL in the Web browser and login with the Super user credentials. The URL will be https://<yourcompanyname> 

Click on the iVend Enterprise Management Suite screen. iVend Management Console opens, here you are required to enter the same Super user credentials provided in email to open and configure iVend Enterprise Management Console

iVend Enterprise Management Console

Data drives success in omnichannel retail and iVend Enterprise Management Console is the central application for controlling a retailers’ master data. iVend Enterprise defines key statistics – including master data management, promotions, gift cards, loyalty schemes and then replicates information across the entire retail ecosystem. This module also collates sales transactions, refunds, returns and store credits into a single view to provide essential insights.

iVend Enterprise Management Console has three major sections that need to be configured for an enterprise. The following are three sections


In this section configure the enterprise wide information like Application Setup, Financials, Retail Configuration, Human Resource, Authorization, IT Administration, and POS Customization. 


In this section configure the information regarding the Business Partner, Till Management, End of the Day, Loyalty, Inventory, Pricing and Promotions, Business Transactions, and Gift Certificates.


In this section customize the reports and labels, sales report, tender reports, special order reports, layaway reports, inventory reports, gift certificate and coupon reports, gross profit reports, loyalty reports and general reports. 

The subsequent sections will help you better understand iVend Retail and its different modules.

iVend Cloud Licensing Guide

Read the following guide covers the topic:

iVend Cloud Licensing Guide

Click below to view the guide. Alternatively, you can choose to print a copy of the document if you prefer.

Then move on to the next topic...

Data Export & Import

Watch the following eLearning video tutorial — Data Export and Import

Then complete the quiz that you will find at the end of the video tutorial.

You should aim to achieve at least 80% (e.g. 4 out of 5 correct answers) before moving on to the next chapter. If you get more than one (1) wrong answer then we recommend reviewing the video again as we consider anything greater to be a low score and indicates more revision is required.

Click on the video below to start the presentation...

Retail Profile - Video

Watch the following eLearning video tutorial — Setting up Retail Profiles.

Then complete the quiz that you will find at the end of the video tutorial.

You should aim to achieve at least 80% (e.g. 4 out of 5 correct answers) before moving on to the next chapter. If you get more than one (1) wrong answer then we recommend reviewing the video again as we consider anything greater to be a low score and indicates more revision is required.

Click on the video below to start the presentation...

Retail Profile - Article

Read the following article that covers the topic:

Retail Profile

Click below to view the presentation. Alternatively, you can choose to print a copy of the article if you prefer.

Then move on to the next topic...

User/Employee Setup

Watch the following eLearning video tutorial — User Creation and Management.

Then complete the quiz that you will find at the end of the video tutorial.

You should aim to achieve at least 80% (e.g. 4 out of 5 correct answers) before moving on to the next chapter. If you get more than one (1) wrong answer then we recommend reviewing the video again as we consider anything greater to be a low score and indicates more revision is required.

Click on the video below to start the presentation...

Security Roles and Users - Video

A default Super user will be provided in welcome email, using this super user credentials log in to the iVend Cloud and open the Management Console to create Security Rules and Users.

The cloud user is a licensed user and with every cloud license, 3 named Management Console users are given.

Watch the following eLearning video tutorial — Security Roles and Users. Then complete the quiz that you will find at the end of the video tutorial.

You should aim to achieve at least 80% (e.g. 4 out of 5 correct answers) before moving on to the next chapter. If you get more than one (1) wrong answer then we recommend reviewing the video again as we consider anything greater to be a low score and indicates more revision is required.

Click on the video below to start the presentation...

Security Roles & Users - Article

A default Super user will be provided in welcome email, using this super user credentials log in to the iVend Cloud and open the Management Console to create Security Rules and Users.

The cloud user is a licensed user and with every cloud license, 3 named Management Console users are given.

Read the following article that covers the topic:

Security Roles and Security Users

Click below to view the Article. Alternatively, you can choose to print a copy of the article if you prefer.

Then move on to the next topic...

Price Lists and Special Price Lists - Article

Read the following article that covers the topic:

Price Lists and Special Price Lists

Click below to view the article below. Alternatively, you can choose to print a copy of the article if you prefer.

Then move on to the video presentation on this topic on the next page...

Price Setup and Special Pricing

Watch the following eLearning video tutorial — Price Lists and Special Price Lists.

Then complete the quiz that you will find at the end of the video tutorial.

You should aim to achieve at least 80% (e.g. 4 out of 5 correct answers) before moving on to the next chapter. If you get more than one (1) wrong answer then we recommend reviewing the video again as we consider anything greater to be a low score and indicates more revision is required.

Click on the video below to start the presentation...

Margin Protection in iVend Retail - Article

Read the following article that covers the topic:

Margin Protection in iVend Retail

Click below to view the presentation. Alternatively, you can choose to print a copy of the article if you prefer.

Then move on to the next topic...

Create a Store

For stores on the iVend cloud, the installation is not required. However, the installation for an on premises store is required. This video is about creating an on premises store.

Watch the following eLearning video tutorial:

Creating a Store

Then complete the quiz that you will find at the end of the video tutorial.

You should aim to achieve at least 80% (e.g. 4 out of 5 correct answers) before moving on to the next chapter. If you get more than one (1) wrong answer then we recommend reviewing the video again as we consider anything greater to be a low score and indicates more revision is required.

Click on the video below to start the presentation…

Installation at the Store

Watch the following eLearning video tutorial:

Installation at the Store

Then complete the quiz that you will find at the end of the video tutorial.

You should aim to achieve at least 80% (e.g. 4 out of 5 correct answers) before moving on to the next chapter. If you get more than one (1) wrong answer then we recommend reviewing the video again as we consider anything greater to be a low score and indicates more revision is required.

Click on the video below to start the presentation...

Offline POS Installation and Configuration

Read the following article that covers the topic:

Offline POS Installation and Configuration

Click below to view the presentation. Alternatively, you can choose to print a copy of the article if you prefer.

Then move on to the next topic...

Hardware Setup

Watch the following eLearning video tutorial — Hardware Setup.

Then complete the quiz that you will find at the end of the video tutorial.

You should aim to achieve at least 80% (e.g. 4 out of 5 correct answers) before moving on to the next chapter. If you get more than one (1) wrong answer then we recommend reviewing the video again as we consider anything greater to be a low score and indicates more revision is required.

Click on the video below to start the presentation...

Hardware Management at the POS

Watch the following eLearning video tutorial — Hardware Management at the POS

Then complete the quiz that you will find at the end of the video tutorial.

You should aim to achieve at least 80% (e.g. 4 out of 5 correct answers) before moving on to the next chapter. If you get more than one (1) wrong answer then we recommend reviewing the video again as we consider anything greater to be a low score and indicates more revision is required.

Click on the video below to start the presentation...

Watch the following eLearning video tutorial — Print Profiles Setup.

Then complete the quiz that you will find at the end of the video tutorial.

You should aim to achieve at least 80% (e.g. 4 out of 5 correct answers) before moving on to the next chapter. If you get more than one (1) wrong answer then we recommend reviewing the video again as we consider anything greater to be a low score and indicates more revision is required.

Click on the video below to start the presentation...

POS Setup

Watch the following eLearning video tutorial — Point of Sale setup.

Then complete the quiz that you will find at the end of the video tutorial.

You should aim to achieve at least 80% (e.g. 4 out of 5 correct answers) before moving on to the next chapter. If you get more than one (1) wrong answer then we recommend reviewing the video again as we consider anything greater to be a low score and indicates more revision is required.

Click on the video below to start the presentation...

Till Management

Watch the following eLearning video tutorial — Till Management.

Then complete the quiz that you will find at the end of the video tutorial.

You should aim to achieve at least 80% (e.g. 4 out of 5 correct answers) before moving on to the next chapter. If you get more than one (1) wrong answer then we recommend reviewing the video again as we consider anything greater to be a low score and indicates more revision is required.

Click on the video below to start the presentation...

Video Link: Till Management

Reason Codes Management

Watch the following eLearning video tutorial — Reason Codes Management.

Then complete the quiz that you will find at the end of the video tutorial.

You should aim to achieve at least 80% (e.g. 4 out of 5 correct answers) before moving on to the next chapter. If you get more than one (1) wrong answer then we recommend reviewing the video again as we consider anything greater to be a low score and indicates more revision is required.

Click on the video below to start the presentation...

Video Link: Reason Codes Management


Then complete the quiz that you will find at the end of the video tutorial: Messages - Setup and Configuration 

You should aim to achieve at least 80% (e.g. 4 out of 5 correct answers) before moving on to the next chapter. If you get more than one (1) wrong answer then we recommend reviewing the video again as we consider anything greater to be a low score and indicates more revision is required.

Click on the video below to start the presentation...

Session 1.1

Session 1.3

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