Steps to add surcharge in a Sale Transaction
Requirement: Surcharge needs to be applied at POS transaction. Solution: First of all Surcharge need to be created with the required rate. Once saved then need to select the surcharge at POS transaction Steps to add surcharge into a Sale Transaction: ...
Supported Payment Gateways
Introduction The following tables document the supported Payment Gateways for these iVend Retail solutions in sequence: iVend Terminal POS iVend Mobile POS iCharge iVend Terminal POS iVend Mobile POS iCharge
Payments by Cheque and Bank transfer gives error 'Cannot be greater than RWF0.00'
Product Version : iVend 6.6 Problem Statement : Payments by Cheque and Bank transfer gives error "Cannot be greater than RWF0.00" Proposed Solution : User has informed that Cheque and Bank Transfer, the system gives an error that the amount cannot be ...
How to add more search criteria in Product Search Screen
Requirement: Need to add more search criteria in the Product search screen. E.g. Add Description2 as search criteria. Steps : Steps to add more Product Search Criteria at POS level. Open POS. 2. Click on the product search button. 3. Right click on ...
Registering Customer on iVend POS V1
Introduction A new Customer can be created and registered using either the iVend Retail POS or the iVend Management Console. Before creating a new customer, the user must search for that customer name (that he is going to create), to see if he or she ...
Point of Sale Wildcards
Introduction POS wildcards enables a cashier to quickly modify quantity of an item, its price and discounts offered, without even requiring him or her to navigate to the item edit screen at the POS. This in turn results in a faster transaction time ...
Point of Sale Wildcards
Introduction POS wildcards enables a cashier to quickly modify quantity of an item, its price and discounts offered, without even requiring him or her to navigate to the item edit screen at the POS. This in turn results in a faster transaction time ...
Object List Where Events are Exposed V2
Introduction This knowledge base article contains a list of the iVend Retail Objects where their Events are exposed in the iVend Management Console and the iVend Retail Point of Sale. Overview This brief article provides a list of the Objects and ...
Introduction The Multi-level Authorizations process is used in retail organizations where standard work procedures requires an authorization from a manager or a management group of members before the cashier can generate certain documents or perform ...
Mechanism of tax calculation at POS in iVend
Introduction The tax of the product is displayed at the POS when it is being transacted. The system will follow a sequence of methods as detailed below, when attempting to select a tax code for a product on the transaction line. It will stop its ...
iVend POS - 4 Methods to login into iVend POS – An Overview iVend Retail allows users to access the Point of Sale (POS) in multiple ways. Depending on the security requirements and business scenarios, the user can use different methods to access the ...
iVend Upgrade - Best Practices Overview
Purpose The purpose of this article is to introduce the CitiXsys iVend Partner community to an overview of the recommended steps to be followed while upgrading the iVend Retail applications in accordance with best practices. Best Practices The ...
iVend Retail - Fiscal Printer Integration
Fiscal Printer Integration Who should be reading this document? The target audience for this document is intended for partners who are willing to undertake source code modification under license from CitiXsys to pursue customisations. This document ...
Discount On Total of Sale Transaction: Header level discount
Environment : iVend 6.6 with SAPB1 Problem Statement : Customer wants to apply header level discount for the sale transaction without any pre fix discount for the sale items. Scenario : customer walked in to store, he purchase items and total bill is ...
Unable to complete transaction after changing the delivery location on Item level.
Problem Statement: Unable to complete transaction if changed the delivery location at Item level. Error: Below error appeared when click on Quick Complete button. Solution: Follow below steps: - 1: Scan Customer. 2: Select Transaction Mode. 3: Scan ...
Bonus Buy Not working with Gift Certificates
iVend version: 6.5.6 Problem statement With Steps:- 1-Create Bonus buy. Choose any product with price 1000 in Buy product and it will provide the GC as get item. 2-Scan product and update sale price to 1000. Application will show dialog for 1 GC as a ...
iVend POS UDF Integration in iVend POS with SBO
What exactly is UDF (User Defined Field) Integration in iVend POS with SAP Business One (SBO)? The UDF is very useful tool when it comes to integrating static values entered in these fields from one application to the other application, apart from ...
Customer unable to select Surcharges from iVend POS 6.6
Problem statement:- Customer was Unable to Add Surcharges on POS Transactions. Proposed solution:- Surcharges are not appears directly on Sales/Item Edit . you need follow below steps to Add Surcharge. 1. Click on ITEM Edit or SALE Edit. 2. Click on ...
Signature of the client in the android or IOS with the different payment methods, such as on account.
Currently in mobile POS, Signature functionality is available only with credit card payment method. Other than credit card payment method, signature feature is not available.
Customer Receipt showing only one item only one Store-POS machine
Environment : iVend Version 6.6 with SAPB1 10.0 Problem Statement : Customer informed that in Customer receipt showing only one item. There is four items customer was purchased while only one item was showing, however , Other Store-POS machines were ...
Manager Override
Manager Override Manager override can either be configured through the Management Console or can be enabled from the Point of Sale user menu. Manager override when configured through the Management console, will apply all the validations on the POS ...
iVend POS Receipt Using predefined enumerators on data and additional options
Introduction This article explains how to use predefined enumerators and additional options in the iVend POS Receipt. Any user with basic XML and programming knowledge can customize the iVend POS Receipt. Log into the iVend Management Console and ...
iVend POS Data Shaping
iVend POS - Data Shaping This article describes how to perform various data shaping operations (such as grouping, sorting and filtering) in the Dashboard Designer. The article contains the following topics: · Summarization · Grouping · Sorting · ...
Tax it doesn't show in the Sale Receipt
Product version: iVend 6.5 update 6 Problem statement: Tax it doesn't show in the Sale Receipt. Proposed Solution/Workaround: Unmark Tax Free in Customer Option. Steps if any : Step 1. Open iVend Opreations Option Step 2. Open Business Partner-> ...
Error In POS After Sales transaction Completed showing unexpected error message 'Load by key failed'
Environment : iVend Version 6.6 Problem Statement : Customer has informed that after upgradation of test environment from 6.4 to 6.6, you are facing an error when any Sales transaction is completed in POS and showing unexpected error message 'Load by ...
iVend POS Dashboard Interactivity
Introduction This article describes a couple of features that enable interaction between various dashboard items. These features include Master Filtering and Drill-Down. The section consists of the following topics: · Master Filtering · Drill-Down ...
Not able to do End Of Day and showing error message 'Till Session not available'
Environment : iVend 6.5 Update 5 with SAPB1 Problem Statement : Customer has informed that unable to do EOD while selecting the assigned till showing error message ‘Till Session is not available’. Symptoms : Some tills were in assigned status and not ...
Unable to complete test credit card transaction in POS.
Problem Statement: Unable to complete Test Credit Card type transaction. Error Message: While trying to complete credit card type transaction system gives the below error message. Solution: Follow below steps to solve the problem. 1: Login in iVend ...
iVend POS Customer Facing Display
Introduction With the option of the Customer Facing Display in iVend, retailers can now exercise the option to be more transparent with processing of a POS transaction to the customer. With dual displays, the customer will be able to see the items ...
iVend POS Custom Tender
What is a Custom Tender in iVend Retail POS? Special tender types can be used by the Retailer as per their business practices, such as Check (Cheque) on Delivery, Cash on Delivery, named Credit Cards, etc. The Custom Tenders type in iVend POS ...
iVend POS Creating local Purchase Orders and Vendors at Franchisee Stores
Introduction In iVend Retail POS, the system allows users to create Vendors, Purchase Orders and Goods Receipt POS at the Franchise owned and Franchise Operated stores. In Franchise owned and Franchise Operated stores, there will not be any financial ...
iVend POS Consume API
How to consume an iVend API This article provides an overview about how to consume and use an iVend API. Overview iVend APIs are used to help integrate iVend with third party ERP applications such as; SAP Business One, SAP R3, Microsoft Dynamics ...
iVend POS Autoselection of Serial or Batch based item
Introduction This article provides information on the automatic Serial and Batch selection of items in a sale at the POS. With the help of this functionality a user can reduce the cashier's effort to search and select the Serial numbers or Batches ...
iVend POS Accepting Foreign Currencies On POS
Introduction In many instances, customers with foreign currency come to retail stores; in such cases retailers require functionality to support accepting Foreign Currency as a tender at the Point of Sale (POS). Any other currency that is being ...
iVend POS - Training DB for Testing and Training
How to activate Training Mode in iVend Retail POS On occasion, retailers may desire to have a training database that simulates the same environment to their live production environment for training and testing purposes. iVend Retail POS provides an ...
iVend POS - Tender Based Discounts and Surcharges
What are Tender Based Discounts and Surcharges? This functionality equips retailers with the ability to define discounts and surcharges based upon tender types used by customers for payment of their purchases at the POS. For example, if a transaction ...
iVend POS - Stock Transfer Cancellation
Introduction iVend Retail POS versions 6.2 and above, the user is now allowed to cancel the Stock Transfer Shipment created from the store where the goods are being shipped from. The warehouse from where the goods are being shipped creates the Stock ...
iVend POS - Split transaction with multiple Sale Persons
Introduction One of the advanced features available in iVend Retail Point of Sale (POS), is the feature to allow multiple sales people to be attached to a transaction and/or on individual line items within a transaction at the POS. This provides ...
iVend POS - Selling items using weighing scale
iVend POS – Selling Weighted Items using a Weighing Scale at the POS iVend Retail Point of Sale (POS) has been designed to work in different verticals with varied requirements. One such requirement is the selling of items by weight such as in grams, ...
iVend POS - Return Enhancements
Product Refund Days The Product Return functionality has been enhanced to encapsulate the valid return period functionality. Herein, return days can be defined for individual products. Refund transactions cannot be added if they exceed the Return ...
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