Environment : iVend Version 6.6 With Magento Problem Statement : Customer was facing the issue with iVend Magento Connection configuration in iVend Settings > Default Settings. Symptoms : Configuration Issue. Resolution/Work Around : We have given ...
Problem Statement: Getting an below error message when setting up magneto setting. Proposed Solution:- Used the reauthorize functionality functionality and change the resource type full (refer below screenshot)) And again copy the access token to the ...
Environment: iVend Version 6.6 with Magento Error: Internal alert messages are being received as below: Order Payload pushing to iVend Failure Reason: { "Message": "Till session not found", "ExceptionType": "CXS.Framework.Core.CXSBusinessException", ...
Version: 6.6 with Magento Query: Is there any query to get which record will go next in the Integration queue from iVend to Magneto? Response: Below is the query that will give the result for the records which will go to Magento in the first to the ...
Product version: iVend 6.6 Environment: ERP SAP S4 HANA (Ecommerce Magento) Problem statement: Loyalty Points are not awarded to customer when the delivery is created against the sales order integrated from Magento Scenario 1 When we create a Sales ...
Problem Statement: Unable to Update IVend Magento Connector Service. Error: While trying to update iVend Magneto Connector Integration service system gives the message. “One or more error occurred” Solution: 1: Open iVend Magento connection manager. ...
Problem statement: Customer Created in Magento Doesn’t integrate to iVend. Cause: Possible cause is the default setting for customer integration. If Create Customer in iVend is selected as “On First order” in iVend Magento Settings then such issue ...
Preface When a customer faces issues in data synchronization / Initialization between iVend and Magento then the attached fix should be applied (if not previously applied). These all are the files in the folder of this Fix: Steps Below are the steps ...
Query How to cancel Advance Payment? Solution Please follow below steps: - 1. Select the customer at POS 2. Change the transaction mode to Advance payment 3. Now below screen will appear 4. Put minus sign, “−“ and enter the amount that you want to ...
Product Version : iVend 6.6 Problem Statement: Getting Error " An Error has been encountered during the search function" at POS when clicking on transaction search Proposed Solution/Workaround : Check below points to resolve the issue Steps: Steps if ...
Steps and walkthrough to do a health check and optimization of iVend database. The entire process broadly consists of 8 steps: Step 1: Take Backup of DB. Open SQL Server Management Studio Express and connect to the SQL server. Expand Databases. ...
Introduction This certification is designed with the intention to evaluate an individual based on his understanding of the iVend Retail POS software suite. This is required to ensure that he possesses the skillset required and has the in-depth ...
Introduction iVend Retail provides the best consumer experience for customers that shop omni channel or single channel. The omnichannel functionality allows retailers to really maximize their sales potential, because their customers can buy the ...