While making Stock Transfer receipt on receiving store MC, user get the error like 'Not Enough Qty'

While making Stock Transfer receipt on receiving store MC, user get the error like 'Not Enough Qty'


iVend 6.5 Update 6

Problem Statement: 

While making Stock Transfer receipt on receiving store MC, user get the error

“Not Enough Quantity available. Product: , Warehouse -    , Quantity available – “

Example Screen shot:

Proposed Solution : 

Please check the below points in iVend and SAP B1 for Sending warehouse, Receiving warehouse and Intransit warehouse against the inventory item and verify the view inventory in ivend. Verify Intransit warehouse for in stock quantity and available quantity. Integration/Replication should be cleared if not please check the error logs and verify the root cause then solve the problem.

Steps to Check the Points :

  1. Check if Sending warehouse/Receiving warehouse contains correct mapping with Intransit warehouse or not

Go to iVend Enterprise MC→Administration→Retail Configuration→warehouse


select id,Description,WarehouseType,IsActive,* from InvWarehouse where id='WRI001'



select id, Description,WarehouseType,InTransitWarehouseKey,* from InvWarehouse where id in ('01','WDL01') and InTransitWarehouseKey='d1dad077-7baa-44b8-ade0-4495452c9944'


  1. Open the Receiving Store MC where user try to receive the stock transfer shipment, to check if product quantity is available on InTransit warehouse or not.


Go to Receiving Store MC→ Operation→Inventory→Product →Search the product for which user get the error →View→ View inventory → Check for Intransit warehouse


  1. If it is less than required as per stock transfer shipment, there is need to check   product’s quantity available on  the Enterprise MC


Go to Enterprise MC→ OperationàInventory→Product →Search the product for which user get the error → View→ View inventory → Check for Intransit warehouse



  1. If it is less than required as per stock transfer shipment, there is need to check product’s quantity available on  the Sending Store MC


Go to Sending Store MC→ OperationàInventory→Product →Search the product for which user get the error → View→ View inventory → Check for Intransit warehouse




select * from InvProduct where Id='A00001'

select id,Description,WarehouseType,IsActive,* from InvWarehouse where id='WRI001'

 select InStockQuantity,AvailableQuantity,* from InvInventoryItem where ProductKey='e8228f7f-f7a5-4453-bf6b-5b1b818d61c7' andWarehouseKey='d1dad077-7baa-44b8-ade0-4495452c9944'




  1. If Stock Transfer shipment is raised from SAPB1 General warehouse , then require to check on SAPB1 Item Master Screen


Go to SAPB1 → Inventory→ Item Master data→ Search Product→ Inventory Data


select * from oitm where ItemCode='A00001'

select * from owhs where WhsCode in ('01','WRI001')



  1. If quantity is same on Sending SAPB1 General Warehouse or iVend Retail Warehouse / iVend Enterprise MC/ Receiving Store MC, then check If Replication is cleared or not

  2. If Integration/Replication is cleared and product quantity is not available on required inTransit warehouse, mapped with receiving store, it is required to check if quantity was really updated in InTransit warehouse or not. If it was in InTransit warehouse, which document would have carried out from InTransit warehouse and causing this error

Go to Receiving Store MC→ Report→ Inventory→ Inventory Audit

select InQty,OutQty,* from InvInventoryItemLog  where ProductKey='e8228f7f-f7a5-4453-bf6b-5b1b818d61c7' and




  1. If it displays the error message for batch/Serial while receiving Stock Transfer receipt, it is required to check if batch/serial information is available in In Transit warehouse or not. User may check batch/serial information on Sending General SAPB1 Warehouse/ Retail warehouse/ iVend Enterprise/Receiving Store MC.

  1. If it is related to SAPB1, then user may check the batch information from SAPB1 Batch detail screen.


select * from OBTN where ItemCode='A00001'



  1. If customer is not able to resolve it, suggest to raise ticket at support portal with above information.

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