While installing iVend Addon Message showing 'database structure has been modified'

While installing iVend Addon Message showing 'database structure has been modified'

Product Version 

iVend 6.6 Patch 2

Problem Statement 

While installing iVend Addon  Message showing ‘database structure has been modified’

Proposed Solution 

While login with iVend addon and starts installing then gives a message that ‘database structure has been modified’.


Need To Perform 
1.Login into SAP with Administrator account and login in SAP with Manager User.
2.Register the addon and and wait until completes.
3.Verified while installation of iVend addon gives error message ‘database structure has been modified’.

4.Download the latest  AddOn.rar for 64 bit.
5.Un-register the Existing Addon from SAP >> Re-login and confirm the Uninstalling activities.
6.Re-login SAP>> Register Addon >> Install the new Addon 64 bit and wait until it completes its operation.
7.Verify it once successfully new addon has been installed.