Which Price gets effective after special price-list expires

Which Price gets effective after special price-list expires


6.5 Update 6, not the version-specific.


I wanna enquire what's happened if a product is included in a special price list for a specific duration, When this duration expires, Is this product return to its regular price or to the base price without discount in the special price list?
For example product X it's price $20.
Then I created a special price list included this product And make its price $25 and have a discount of $7, which means when the special price list is
running this product will sell by $18 and when the promotion expired, is this item X will sell by $20 or $25?


After the expiry of the promotion (special pricelist), it will be billed at a normal price which is $20 as per the above example.
Note: In the above example, it is considered that the base price list is the only inline price that is defined price in the system, and no other price options are defined hence not applicable.

If there are other prices also defined then it will follow the hierarchy of the pricing rather than the base price of the product after the promotion is expired.
Below is the link for the price hierarchy:

This KB concludes here.