When trying to create a promotion in Store MC the system shows error message

When trying to create a promotion in Store MC the system shows error message

Problem Statement

when trying to create a promotion in Store MC the system shows the following error message

'Error de confirmación. Tipo de objeto: PromotionBy,Clave:2000000000000001'.

In English this error message is

‘Error the confirmation. Type Obtject> PromotioBy,Clave> 200000000001’

Complete Error Message 

          <Message>Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_ProPromotionBuySide'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.ProPromotionBuySide'. The duplicate key value is (2000000000000001).
The statement has been terminated.</Message>
          <Source>.Net SqlClient Data Provider</Source>



iVend 6.5 Update 6 with SAPB1 9.2


 when trying to create a promotion in Store MC the system doesn't allow to save the promotion objects in iVend MC

Resolution/Work Around

We have checked and verified the sysnextnumber table and found that next number id's were missed for 'Table.PromotionBuy' and 'Table.PromotionGet' on store database while it exists on HO database. We have inserted those next number id's in sysnextnumber table using sql statements and after restarting the iVend MC, promotion is created successfully without any error message.

Recommendations /Suggestion 

 Such Scenarios are enhanced in iVend 6.6 and suggest to use iVend 6.6 with latest patch.