Warehouse cannot be retail store or retail intransit warehouse, Error in SAP while creating a GR

Warehouse cannot be retail store or retail intransit warehouse, Error in SAP while creating a GR


6.6, not the version-specific


Error in SAP while creating a Good Receipt (GR), below is the error:

"Warehouse cannot be retail store or retail intransit warehouse".


This is the validation which does not allow to create GR in Retail store or retail intransit warehouse. To remove this restriction follow the below steps:

NOTE: Ideally retail store transactions are to be initiated from the retails store itself. And to keep this from one end only this setting is enabled. Disabling the setting may lead to undisciplined transaction at retail warehouse and may lead to inventory discrepancy, so Business team has to be consulted before making any such change

Disable the setting in SAP >> Administration >> System Initialization >> iVend Retail >> Retail Setting >> Uncheck the Check Box of "Restrict the Transaction from Retail warehouse" >> This setting will allow to create GR for the required qty in SAP >> Once GR is created then you can revert the changes done above.

Below is the screenshot for the same: