Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_sysnotificationuser'.cannot insert duplicate key in object

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_sysnotificationuser'.cannot insert duplicate key in object

****** Internal to CitiXsys******


6.6 Patch 7608

Problem Statement: 

Getting error while restoring the backup file at a new store.


Below is the error message:
'violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_sysnotificationuser'.cannot insert duplicate key in object dbo.SysnotificationUser'


Seems huge data in table SysnotificationUser causing the issue.


1) We ran SQL queries and excluded tables "SysNotification, SysNotificationUser" at HO Database so that these tables are not included in backup at HO.
2) Then took a fresh backup from Enterprise MC which got restored at Store successfully.
3) Below are the queries used to exclude the tables taken from backup:
Select * from RepObjectMapDB where TableName like '%notification%' and ObjectID in (370, 371)
--Update RepObjectMapDB set ExcludeInStoreBackup = 1 where TableName like '%notification%' and ObjectID in (370, 371)