View Inventory error on store "inventory status updated from enterprise server is failed"

View Inventory error on store "inventory status updated from enterprise server is failed"


iVend 6.6 with SAP B1 9.2 

Problem statement: 

 Inventory status update error 


Below error is faced while viewing the inventory of a product from the store.


Resolution/Work Around: 

1. Enable transaction server settings on the enterprise.

2. Check iVend API service is configured or not from the iVend Configuration manager? If not configure the same.
3. Check API Server settings under communication settings & make sure API is running. Confirm by running API Health check through iVend MC.
4. After enabling the settings, restart the Management console, you will get the 'Retrieve from Server' button under the inventory view of the item(refer to the above screenshot)
5. When you click on this button you will have updated inventory as HO/Enterprise machine.