UPC Code

UPC Code

UPC Codes

What is a Universal Product Code (UPC)?

Simply put, a UPC, short for universal product code, is a type of barcode printed on retail product packaging to aid in item identification of a particular item. It is most widely and commonly used in countries such as the US and Canada but does have a global presence as well. iVend Retail caters for both functional references and also supports the recording of multiple UPC per item if needed.

It consists of two parts – the machine-readable barcode as we see here in the following example.


Figure 1 – Barcode Samples

UPC Code Benefits

The purpose of UPCs is to make it easy to identify product features, such as the brand name, item, size, and color, when an item is scanned at the checkout. In fact, that is why they were created in the first place – to speed up the checkout process at stores. UPCs are also helpful in tracking inventory within a store or warehouse.

In iVend Retail, the UPC Code can be used at any of the following screens:

Note: It is possible to scan in the UPC on the product master screen.

Note: A Barcode Reader or Scanner must be installed and configured to be used at the POS via the iVend Retail Management Console.

Figure 2 – Barcode Scanner

Business case


A retailer is configuring a new product, which has multiple UOM. The Retailer decided to use UPC for the base UOM and alternate UPCs for other UOM’s.


A retailer is configuring a new product, which is being supplied from two different vendors. Each vendor is supplying the product with a different UPC. The Retailer decides to use one UPC as the default and the other one as an alternate UPC.

Setup and configuration

Setup product UPC

  1. Login to the Management Console and navigate to: Operations > Inventory > Product – the Product Search screen comes up.

Figure 3 – Product Search Screen


  1. Click the [F3 New] button to create a new product. (F3)

Figure 4 – Product Master Screen

Note: Description and Product Group are mandatory fields.

3. Enter the product’s information as required.

Figure 5 – Product Master Screen

  1. Enter in or scan in the product UPC and click [Ok].   

Setup product Alternate UPC

1. To link a product with an Alternate UPC, login to the Management Console and navigate to: Operations > Inventory > Product. Bring up the Product settings page.

Figure 6 – Product Master Screen

2. Click on the radio button on the Alternate UPC Codes field on the product settings page. Alternatively, you can go to: Management Console > Operations > Inventory > Alternate UPC Code and search for the product and click [Ok].

Figure 7 – Add Alternate UPC Screen


  1. Click [Add UPC Code] to add an Alternate UPC codes for Vendors or and/or different UOM’s

Figure 8 – Alternate UPC Code


4. If the product has multiple UOM, you need to select the UOM and give it an Alternate UPC Code

5. The user can optionally also enter the default Quantity that will be added up when UPC is scanned during a transaction.

6. After adding the Alternate UPC, click [Ok] to return to the Product settings page.

Figure 9 – Product Master Screen

Note: Notice the alternate UPC Codes is now visible at product page

7. Click OK to close the product page

Setup Gift Certificate UPC

  1. Login to the Management Console and navigate to: Operations > Gift Certificates > Gift Certificate – the Gift Certificate search screen comes up.

Figure 10 – Gift Certificate Search Screen


  1. Click [F3 New] to create a new Gift Certificate or [F4 Edit] to edit an existing Gift Certificate.

Figure 11 – Gift Certificate Screen

3. Enter in the Gift Certificate information required.

Figure 12 – Gift Certificate Screen


4. Enter in or scan in the UPC Code and click [Ok].

          Setup Coupon UPC

  1. Login to the Management Console and navigate to: Operations > Pricing and Promotions > Coupon – the Coupon Search screen comes up.

Figure 13 – Coupon Search Screen


2. Click [F3 New] to create a new Coupon or [F4 Edit] to edit an existing Coupon.

Figure 14 – Coupon Setting Screen


4. Enter Coupon information as required.

5. Enter in or scan in the UPC Code and click [Ok].

 Business Transactions

It is possible to use UPCs in Business Transactions in iVend such as Goods Issues and Receipts, Goods Receipt POs, Stock Transfer Shipments and Receipts, Inventory Counting and Goods Returns. The functionality is virtually the same for all of these transactions; therefore, we will cover just one as an example:

Goods Receipt

  1. Login to the Management Console and navigate to: Operations > Business Transactions > Goods Receipt – the Goods Receipt Search screen comes up.

Figure 15 – Goods Receipt Search Screen

Note: A Barcode Reader or Scanner must be installed and configured to be used at the POS via the iVend Retail Management Console.

Figure 16 – Salesperson scanning a barcode at POS


Figure 17 – Goods Receipt Screen


2. Scan the product’s UPC and it will be automatically added to the Goods Receipt screen. If the same UPC is scanned again, then the quantity will be increased.

3. Click [Ok] to complete the Goods Receipt.

Note: In the same way, user can use the UPC codes in the other business transactions (Goods Issue, Goods Receipt PO, Stock Transfer Shipment, Stock Transfer Receipt, Inventory count, and Goods Return).

POS Transactions

1. From the POS transaction screen start UPC (Barcode) scanning

Figure 18 – POS Screen


2. Once UPC is scanned, the system will automatically add load the related product(s) to the POS screen.

3. The UPC can be scanned with Sales, Refunds, Special Orders, Quotations, Layaways, Sales Exchanges, Gift Certificates, and Coupons.


Note: If the Barcode Scanner is POS compliant and configured then the user can scan directly to the POS transaction screen without the need of him/her clicking in the scanning area. If the Barcode Scanner is not POS compliant and configured, then user will have to place the mouse cursor in the scanning area to accomplish the task.


UPCs codes helps retailers to accelerate the POS sales, and Business (Inventory) Transaction processes by accelerating the scanning of UPC codes. UPC can be used with Products, Gift Certificates, and Coupons. Citixsys recommends the use of a POS compliant Scanner that is properly configured, to obtain maximum benefit of scanning UPC’s on all of the supported iVend screens.


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