Understanding iVend Add-on Features (Agneesh Version)

Understanding iVend Add-on Features (Agneesh Version)

Understanding iVend Retail Add-on Features

This article will help you understand the features of the iVend Add-on framework. For your easy understanding, we have explained it in two different sections:

· How Add-on Works

· Add-on Features

How an Add-on Works

iVend Retail Add-on functionality allows Developers to extend the business logic of iVend in either the Management Console or at the Terminal POS. Once the Developer deploys the extended business logic centrally as an Add-on at the Enterprise, it will be replicated to the entire retail landscape.

The Developers build the business logic in an Add-on and attach the zip file containing the DLL and XML files on the Management Console.

After uploading the file and selecting the Connect check box, the Add-on will be replicated to all iVend POS. Though the Add-on is replicated to the entire store servers, iVend POS works as a base product only if it is not connected in the Management Console.

The Add-on framework enables Developers to deploy multiple Add-ons within one Enterprise.

Add-on Features

In the above section, you have learnt how an iVend Add-on works. After going through the next section, you will learn about the different Add-on features.

The following represents a list of the most significant features of the iVend Add-on Framework:

Allows Developers to create New Forms

The iVend Add-on allows users to display new custom screens in the iVend Application.

For example, the Add-on enables retailers to capture additional information while editing the customer, making sales, capturing payments, scanning new items, taking donations, etc., by deploying a pop-up custom screen. It saves the information in the database once it has been captured.

Customize Existing Forms

The iVend Add-on allows users the ability to customize existing screens in the iVend application.

For example, the Add-on enables retailers to:

· Hide any field

· Hide any row in a grid

· Reorganise grid rows

· Enable/disable any field or label

· Create new custom buttons, etc.

Validates Existing iVend Fields

The iVend application allows the user to set additional validations on the iVend fields that run when the respective event is triggered. Setting validation helps achieve custom business validation processes.

For example: A validation could be set that it will not allow the user to save a new customer master record if the billing address is not captured.

Validates User Defined Fields (UDFs)

The iVend Add-on allows users to create custom fields (UDFs) in addition to the existing available fields in the master tables. After creating custom fields, users can then put validations on them.

For example: If you wish to add a Skype user to your Contacts list then typing the user name in the Search/Add field automatically validates if the user already exists or if there are no users in the systems already with the entered user name.

Provides Access to the iVend Database from the iVend Add-on

For smooth and up-to-date business operations, retailers always require connection between the iVend database and the iVend Add-on. The iVend Add-on provides retailers with such functionality so they can access the iVend database and get the required information in real time.

For example: If a new Unified Data Table (UDT) is created in the iVend database, then provided with this functionality, the retailer can execute a SQL Query to connect to the iVend database to obtain the most recent data.

Integrated Development Environment with Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2013

The iVend Add-on framework is custom developed and can be integrated with Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2013. The iVend Add-on provides a free template, which is ready to use. This template is integrated with the development environment for easy access for more productivity.

The VSIX template consists of a sourse.extension.vsixmanifest file, which contains information about the extension and an Assembly.cs file, which contains information about the assembly.

The VXIS template has two main uses:

· To deploy project templates, item templates, and other extensions that do not already have VSIX support.

· To wrap the outputs of multiple Visual Studio extensions into one deployment package.

· You should make sure that .Net Framework 4.0 or higher is specified in the dropdown at the top of the New Project dialog box.

· To find the VSIX template, you must install Visual Studio 2012 SDK.

Handles Various Transaction Events

iVend Add-on works smartly by performing many crucial activities such as Change of Customer, Adding of Product(s), Completion of Transaction(s), etc. iVend Add-on provides very unique features such as pre and post event handlers, which can be effectively used with transaction events such as Change of Customer, Product Additions, Completion of Transactions, etc.

For example: It can be configured to show a relevant combo discounted product soon after the user adds the product in a transaction.


It shows a discount on buying other products if a customer’s purchase reaches $500 and completes the transaction.


Allows Installation of Multiple Add-ons

iVend supports installing multiple Add-ons. Retailers may require installing additional Add-ons when there are multiple events to be handled solving their different business functions and processes that are not met with the standard iVend functionality. In other words, events propagate through all the registered Add-ons unless an Add-on has raised an exception from within the Add-on program.

Allows Central Deployment

The iVend Add-on is deployed at an Enterprise Server i.e. The Management Console after which it replicates the Add-on to the entire iVend POS application.

Cloud Ready Add-on

The iVend Add-on is now cloud ready which allows an administrator to deploy it anytime on the store servers as requested by a retailer. The Add-on ensures security as it provides access control to only the retailer who has requested for the Add-on service.

For example: If an administrator deploys an iVend Add-on for Enterprise “A”, then no other Enterprise than Enterprise “A” can access or use the deployed Add-on’s functionality.

Localisation Aware

Developers can deploy the iVend Add-on to be used at different locations, hence there is support for multiple languages, which caters for the needs of everyone in every region, globally. Enabled with such smart functionality, the iVend Add-on is localisation aware with full support to the global retailers.

Supports Exception Handling

iVend Add-on supports exception handling at both the Enterprise Server and at the Store Server level. It catches the specific exception and re-throws or transfers the exception to the different threads.

Maintains Transaction Atomicity

The iVend Add-on maintains Transaction Atomicity. Using this feature, the iVend Add-on either performs all modifications within a transaction at once or none of the modifications are performed.

For example: If some error occurs in a transaction then it allows for the roll back of the parent transaction.

Create New UDF using iVend Add-on

The iVend Add-on allows stores to create custom fields in addition to the existing available fields in the master tables. These custom fields are also known as User Defined Fields (UDFs).

All Data Replication of the Newly Added Tables (UDTs)

The iVend Add-on enables data replication of newly added tables in the Enterprise database automatically. The iVend Add-on allows stores to create new tables according to their business needs. Such tables are also known as Unified Data Tables (UDTs).

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