Unable to remove the iVend add-on from SAP
iVend 6.6 integrated with SAPB1
Problem Statement:
Unable to remove the iVend add-on whenever attempt to remove the addon in the user interface message appear "Continue working without the addon and SAP closed
Resolution/Work Around:
1. Check the task manager if addon exe is running then kill it or end the task.
2.Check the file "AddOnsLocalRegistration.sbo" in SAP addon folder and then remove the add-on entry and save this file . reference path is C:\Program Files\SAP\SAP Business One
3. Run the below command in "SBOCOMMON" Database
4. IF Entries exist for addon then delete this particular entry from this table .
5. Now Open the SAP run as administrator and try to install the new addon
6. Make sure the SAP/Addon folder has full right/permission for logged in window user.
Recommendations /Suggestion:
This article is created only for the Support team and the steps mentioned therein should only be performed along with product experts.
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