Unable to perform Product Search at POS, error:multi-part identifier "InvUOM.UOMKey" could notbound

Unable to perform Product Search at POS, error:multi-part identifier "InvUOM.UOMKey" could notbound


iVend 6.5 updates 6 with Patch 2

Problem Statement:

Unable to perform Product Search with POS terminal after reinstalling POS and error logged in POS log file

<Message>The multi-part identifier "InvUOM.UOMKey" could not be bound.

The multi-part identifier "InvUOM.Id" could not be bound.</Message>


Proposed Solution/Workaround:
Need to replace POS folder files from the running POS machine to the Problematic one.

path: C:\Program Files (x86)\CitiXsys\iVend Retail\PointOfS


It's reported due to Dll mismatch with Product version as per Database i.e. missing patch 2 dll's while database already has patch deployed with it.

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