Topaz Signature Pad Model T-S460-HSB-R is added to the iVend Retail supported hardware list. This signature pad is a pressure-sensitive electronic signature pad with stylus. This signature pad shows the signature on the computer screen.
Installation of Topaz Signature Pad Model T-S460-HSB-R
The following are the steps to Install the Signature Pad software on the iVend Retail machine.
Step 2. Go through the installation wizard untill you reach the model section screen. Select T-S Model Group and click Ok button.
Step 3. Select T-S460 Model and click on Ok button.
Step 4. Select the connection type and click OK button.
Step 5. Once the installation is complete, run the DemoOCX.
Register the Topaz Signature Pad Model T-S460-HSB-R in iVend Retail
The following are the steps to register the Topaz Signature Pad Model T-S460-HSB-R in iVend Retail
Step 1. Open iVend Management Console, go to Administration àRetail Configurationà Hardware Registration.
Step 2. Click on the F3 New button to add and register new hardware Topaz Signature Pad Model T-S460-HSB-R. Enter the code, Description, select the Hardware type, Hardware, and class name as shown in the screen.
Step 3. Click on Configure to update General Settings.
Step 4. The Topaz Signature Pad Model T-S460-HSB-R gets registered in iVend Retail and is displayed on the Hardware Registration Search page.
Step 5. Create / Edit a Hardware profile to add Topaz Signature Pad Model T-S460-HSB-R to the profile.
step 6. In the Hardware profile click on the ellipses for Signature Capture.
step 7. Select the Topaz Signature from the Hardware Search.
Step 8. The Topaz Signature is selected and displayed as the Signature Capture in the hardware Profile.
Step 9. Click on Ok button to save the hardware profile with the Signature Capture
Select the Hardware Profile with Signature pad in POS
The following are the steps to select the hardware profile with the Signature Capture in POS.
Step 1. Open iVend Management Console, go to Administration àRetail ConfigurationàPOS.
Step 2. Open the POS to which the Signature pad is to be attached. Select the Hardware profile which has Signature Pad attached to it.
Step 3. Hardware Profile with Signature Pad attaches to the POS.
Step 4. In the Retail Profile Select the option available for Transaction Signature Capture.
Transaction Using Topaz Signature Pad
The following steps displays a Transaction using Topaz Signature Pad:
Step 1. Select a customer, Select Products for a transaction.
Step 2. Click on the Payment. Signature Capture window opens. Using the Topaz Signature Stylus, sign on the signature pad.
Step 3. The signature appears on the Signature Image screen.
Step 4. Select the Payment Option. For the purpose of explanation Case Payment option is used.
Step 5. Click on Ok and complete the sale transaction using the Topaz Signature Pad.
This concludes the Transaction using Topaz Signature Pad Model T-S460-HSB-R.