The Total Discount Changes the amount of the item in the line

The Total Discount Changes the amount of the item in the line

Environment : 

iVend 6.6 Patch 7747.

Problem Description : 

The Total Discount Changes the amount of the item in the line.

Scenario : 

The total discount changes the amount of an item(e.g T02689 in this case ) in the line when doing a sale edit and provide a discount on items.


1) Check the Sale Discount in I-Vend POS screen for some items its showing correct discount in Total Discount as well as Line Level discount amount. 



2) Check the sale discount for the problem item if any on POS and mark it.

3) Check the Item Master Settings of that product in the SAP item master Data.




Symptoms :


Resolution/Work Around: 

In such issues where multiple items are on POS sale & on some items discount amount is reflecting or not some items its showing discount at line level and other items are not showing but on Total amount the discount is applicable on all items for that particular Sale document on sale edit.

In such scenarios, we have to check the item master data settings for that particular item in SAP, where the line-level discount is reflecting or not reflecting and we can apply it according to our requirement for sale of those items on I-Vend POS. As we have checked for item T02689 in SAP in above screen-shot.


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