System display Setting : POS Transaction Screen : Quantity / Currency

System display Setting : POS Transaction Screen : Quantity / Currency


iVend 6.6 with SAPB1 9.2 

Problem Statement:

iVend Enterprise System display setting is updated with different patterns such as Number Decimal Digits as 3 , Currency Decimal Digits 3 but it doesn't make impact on iVend POS screen when item is selected for sale.


iVend Enterprise System display setting is updated with different patterns such as Number Decimal Digits as 3 , Currency Decimal Digits 3 but it doesn't make impact on iVend POS screen when item is selected for sale.

Resolution/Work Around:

It is suggested to keep the culture information  same in both the screens i.e iVend MC--> Enterprise Setting and Currency (base currency) .
For Example:
if customer belongs to Arab region and if using Saudi Arabic culture information in iVend MC--> Base Currency, they can use same culture information in iVend Enterprise--> Enterprise Settings

Recommendations /Suggestion:

It is recommended to configure such things same in iVend MC.

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