Store MC not showing the inventory of all stores while using retrieve from server option

Store MC not showing the inventory of all stores while using retrieve from server option

Product Version: 


Problem Statement: 

Store Manager Console It is not possible to view the inventory of all stores from a store.


Proposed Solution:

There is one parameter "InventoryItemReplication" , introduced in iVend 8567 & it helps to minimize the inventory events in HO Replication Monitor towards Stores .


1.If parameter "InventoryItemReplication " is 0 , whenever inventory is getting updated on HO ,it will generate "store-warehouse inventory event" only ( not other store-warehouse inventory events)in HO Replication Monitor so store MC will have its own warehouse information in product--> View inventory . It will not display other warehouse information in product--> View inventory


With this parameter if a customer creates a store backup file from HO MC, the backup file will contain only this store -warehouse information ( not other warehouse) resulting less load on inventory item table on store MC after initialization store .


2.If parameter "InventoryItemReplication " is Null , it will behave normal as it is used to work earlier so store will have other warehouse information in product--> View inventory , and when user will click on "Retrieve from Server" , it will fetch the other stores-warehouse inventory from HO using iVend API , which is also available on HO MC--> Product--> View Inventory


Note: This is applicable for 8567 patch


Steps if any: 


Constraints / Scenarios:



Reference Ticket: 
