Store database purging manually

Store database purging manually

***************************** Internal to Citixsys Support Team*********************************

Environment : 

iVend 6.6 7989 with SAPB1

Problem Statement :  

Store database doesn't purge by iVend MC End of day process. so there is need to purge the store database manually .

Note : It should be discussed with Level 3 team first before using this one

SQL Queries : 

        SELECT DISTINCT A.TransactionKey INTO #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned FROM TrxTransaction A 
        WHERE CONVERT(NVARCHAR, A.BusinessDate, 112) < '20130201'    
        DELETE FROM TrxTransactionPromotionDetail WHERE TransactionKey IN (SELECT TransactionKey FROM #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned)
        DELETE FROM TrxTransactionQuotation WHERE TransactionKey IN (SELECT TransactionKey FROM #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned)
        DELETE FROM TrxTransactionPrinting WHERE TransactionKey IN (SELECT TransactionKey FROM #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned)
        DELETE FROM TrxTransactionStatus WHERE TransactionKey IN (SELECT TransactionKey FROM #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned)
        DELETE FROM TrxTransactionSurcharge WHERE TransactionKey IN (SELECT TransactionKey FROM #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned)
        DELETE FROM TrxTransactionSalesPerson WHERE TransactionKey IN (SELECT TransactionKey FROM #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned)
        DELETE FROM TrxTransactionSignature WHERE TransactionKey IN (SELECT TransactionKey FROM #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned)
        DELETE FROM TrxTransactionPayment WHERE TransactionKey IN (SELECT TransactionKey FROM #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned)
        DELETE FROM TrxTransactionGiftCertificate WHERE TransactionKey IN (SELECT TransactionKey FROM #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned)
        DELETE FROM TrxTransactionInstallmentDetail WHERE TransactionKey IN (SELECT TransactionKey FROM #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned)
        DELETE FROM TrxTransactionFulfillmentDetail WHERE TransactionKey IN (SELECT TransactionKey FROM #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned)
        DELETE FROM TrxTransactionItemAttribute WHERE TransactionKey IN (SELECT TransactionKey FROM #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned)
        DELETE FROM TrxTransactionLoyalty WHERE TransactionKey IN (SELECT TransactionKey FROM #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned)
        DELETE FROM TrxTransactionOrder WHERE TransactionKey IN (SELECT TransactionKey FROM #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned)
        DELETE FROM TrxTransactionSaleItem WHERE TransactionKey IN (SELECT TransactionKey FROM #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned)
        DELETE FROM TrxTransactionLayaway WHERE TransactionKey IN (SELECT TransactionKey FROM #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned)
        DELETE FROM TrxTransactionLostSaleItem WHERE TransactionKey IN (SELECT TransactionKey FROM #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned)
        DELETE FROM TrxTransactionAttribute WHERE TransactionKey IN (SELECT TransactionKey FROM #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned)
        DELETE FROM TrxARPayment WHERE TransactionKey IN (SELECT TransactionKey FROM #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned)
        DELETE FROM TrxTransactionAudit WHERE TransactionKey IN (SELECT TransactionKey FROM #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned)
        DELETE FROM TrxTransactionFulfillment WHERE TransactionKey IN (SELECT TransactionKey FROM #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned)
        DELETE FROM TrxTransactionConsignment WHERE TransactionKey IN (SELECT TransactionKey FROM #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned)
        DELETE FROM TrxTransactionCoupon WHERE TransactionKey IN (SELECT TransactionKey FROM #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned)
        DELETE FROM TrxTransaction WHERE TransactionKey IN (SELECT TransactionKey FROM #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned)
DROP TABLE #TempTransactionsToBeCleaned

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