Store Data missed on HO for specific date so need to be synced

Store Data missed on HO for specific date so need to be synced

This KM is for Internal Purpose Only  


iVend 6.5.6

Problem Statement: 

Customer has been informed that HO database was corrupted and restored old database and because of store new data missed from specific date at HO so need to be inserted and synced.


User Request

Resolution/Work Around: 

We have re-populated the store data again and re-replicated it into HO Enterprise. 

Here are the steps mentioned :

Step 1. Please stop the integration and replication services from HO Enterprise.

Step 2. Please execute below queries on HO Database :

UPdate SysNextNumber set NextNumber = NextNumber + 1000000

Select UseTransactionConsolidation from CfgEnterprise

Select * from RTLStore where IsDeleted = 0

Select Distinct LEN(ReplicationTransactionKey) from RepReplicationTransaction

Delete from RepReplicationTransaction where ProcessDate >= 'Please enter process date from where you want to delete the data for this table'

Please follow below steps on all store databases:

Step 1. Stop the Replication Service

Step 2. Execute the below script on the store database.

Delete from RepReplicationTransaction where ProcessDate <’Please enter the process date from where you want to delete the data for this table’

Delete from RepReplicationSendDump

Update RepReplicationTransaction set SendDumpSequenceNumber = NULL


Step 3. Start the Replication Service.


Recommendations /Suggestion: 


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