Stock Transfer Transactions with an ERP

Stock Transfer Transactions with an ERP

Stock Transfer Transactions with an ERP (SBO in the Backend)

In this article we talk about 4 important transactions in iVend Retail. This article describes

i. (i) Stock Transfer Request

ii. (ii) Stock Transfer Request Received

iii. (iii) Stock Transfer Shipment and

iv. (iv) Stock Transfer Receipt

An iVend Retail installation may or may not be integrated with a core ERP application at the backend. This article is written with the assumption that SAP Business One is the core ERP application running at the backend.

Stock Transfer Request

As the name suggests implies this transaction is used to raise stock Transfer Requests from iVend Retail. It is obvious that Obviously, the requesting warehouse (store) will be the store from where the requisition is being ‘raised’. The Request From from Warehouse could either be another store in the retail landscape OR or could be a warehouse (non-retail) defined in SAP Business One.

Once the Request From warehouse is selected, the user will fill in the Due Date, Request Number, Comments (if any) and a Reason Code if there are reason codes defined specifically required for Stock Transfer Request. Comments and Reason Codes are not mandatory.

The products can be added into the screen in 3 different ways

i. Manually – one by one by selecting the products using the [Add Products] button.,

ii. Auto Add Products – where the products get are automatically added based on their minimum stock level defined for a product for the particular store (from where the stock transfer is being requested). While ascertaining whether the inventory levels of a particular product have fallen below the minimum prescribed levels, the application also checks for any open requests for the product..

iii. By Importing a .txt file.

The multilinemulti-lines in the screen expects the user to fill in the Quantity (which is the requested Requested qtyQty), Sender’s Reason and Comments (why was this particular product added in the Stok Transfer Request).

Once the transaction is added, it will start appearing in the Stock Transfer Request screen in SAP Business One. (This article explains this process of Stock Transfer especially for SAP Business One)

Stock Transfer Request Received

This transaction is used to list all the Stock Transfer Requests that a particular store has received. This screen will list all the Stock Transfer Requests irrespective of the core ERP at the backend. In case of an integrated ERP, the [Copy to Stock Transfer] button at the bottom left of the screen will be greyed out. In the iVend Unplugged mode, this button will be enabled and will allow the receiver of the Stock Transfer Request to convert the request into a Stock Transfer (Shipment).

Stock Transfer Shipment

This screen lists all the Stock Transfer transactions that are either Open, Closed, have a Ccancellation Rrequest or are cancelledCancelled. These transactions can be filtered for a particular warehouse. These selection options are available on the left search panel of the screen.

This screen lets the user create a Stock Transfer Shipment from this store to other warehouses or stores. In the iVend Unplugged mode, this screen can also be used as a Goods Returned to Vendor (Purchase Returns).

The header of the transaction screen expects the user to fill in the To Warehouse, Requested Date, Reference Number (not mandatory), Event (explained below), Business Partner type and the Business partner. If the business partner type is selected as Vendor, the transaction will act as a Goods Returned to Vendor.

Events in iVend Retail can be considered as ‘tags’ that can be attached to transactions to logically group them for analysis purposes at a later stage. Some examples of events are time bound promotions, clearance sale, promotional event in an exhibition, etc.

The products can be added into the screen in three (3) different ways:

i. Manually – one by one by selecting the products using the [Add Products] button,

ii. Copy from Request – where the products get will be automatically added from the Stock Transfer Request for this particular store.

iii. By Importing a .txt file.

There is always an option to cancel the Stock Transfer Shipment, which can be done by selecting the transaction and pressing the [Cancel Stock Transfer] button on the bottom right of the screen.

Stock Transfer Receipt

As the name suggestsimplies, this screen is used to record a Stock Transfer Receipt for this particular store. The screen, when launched displays all the Stock Transfer Receipts which are completely received. The user can view them by pressing the [F7 View] button on the bottom right of the screen

On pressing the [F3 New]New button, the application will list all the Stock Transfer Receipts which are open for receipts (therewhere there are products which need to be received). On selecting (one of) the open Stock Transfer Receipts, the application populates the transaction grid with the items in the Stock Transfer Receipt. The grid details include Transferred Qty, Received Qty and Receivable Qty. The user is expected to enter the Receivable Qty of the item being received.

There If there is a possibility that the received qty quantity will beis less than the requested qty quantity and the receiver knows that the balance qty quantity outstanding will not be received, then it is possible to . In this case to short close the receipt;, the user can tick the Finalize check box on the right to close the line item.

If user will received short quantity then system will automatically generate Good Issue against short quantity.

The transaction also allows the user to print labels of the items that have been received in this transaction. On selecting ‘Print Label’ the application opens the Item Label Printing screen from where the labels can be printed


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