Stock Match between Magento and iVend Stock

Stock Match between Magento and iVend Stock

*****Internal Document*****

Problem Statement: 

Stock Match between Magento and iVend.

Proposed Solution

Below are the steps require to follow-up

Stop the Magento Integrator Service

Go to the location (C:\Program Files (x86)\CitiXsys\iVend Retail\iVendMagentoConnector\Log) with current date for the Log file “Log.txt” (rename it, don’t delete). It will create a new log file when the service will be started.

Now identify the Product and in which warehouse the stock is mismatching, look in InvInventoryItem table of iVend HO for the same product (productkey) and warehouse (warehousekey)

Extract the “LastDataSyncDatetime” value from the syncstatus file (SyncStatus.xml) available in location “C:\Program Files (x86)\CitiXsys\iVend Retail\iVendMagentoConnector” and looking at the tag








For example, if the value is “2019-07-03T14:51:34.001” then change it to format and add 5 seconds and make milliseconds to all 0, so the value will be “2019-07-03 14:51:39.000”

Use the following query to update the modified field of the product id and warehouse (remember always use begin tran to check the query result and once you are confirmed then execute it)

Update InvInventoryItem set Modified=’2019-07-03 14:51:39.000' where WarehouseKey=<warehouse key in which there is mismatch> and productkey =<productkey>

Check the SyncStatus file for logging is on for Inventory or not, if not then make it on (true)


  • Now Start the Magento Integrator service

  • Open the log file after every 20 seconds or wait for some more seconds (if you are unable to see enough data) and check Inventory Object of the product id, check stock with the same quantity (Pull and Push should be of same Quantity)

So, search for the following in the log file and then look for the above information: -


iVend --> Magento



Status: ?

What is the status? 

If passed then it is updated in Magento, go to the Magento admin and check the item for the stock. 

If it failed, then what is the reason? Get the reason and then discuss with the technical team to identify whether it is a Magento issue or iVend Magento Integrator issue.

If you are able to identify that the reason is related to Magento then ask a Kasperle Magento person to look into it.

Note: - The Stock/Inventory to be checked between iVend and Magento and NOT between SAP and Magento.

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