Steps to pulls SAP data /Table from SAP HANA Database to iVend SQL SERVER

Steps to pulls SAP data /Table from SAP HANA Database to iVend SQL SERVER

              This article is only for internal use.


While working with an Integration iVend Solution in a SAP HANA environment, sometimes it is required to have SAP DB access via linked server. The inventory mismatch correction process is the most common such scenario.
In such a scenario if the linked server is not available between iVend HO -SAP HANA DB , or if the connection is too slow, then below approach can be considered to get the required dataset


Steps to pulls inventory data from SAP server, if the link server is not working: -
  1. Open the SQL server of iVend HO
  2. Right click on the HO database >> Tasks >> Import data.

  1. Choose option .NET Framework Data Provider for SAP HANA, if the SAP DB is at HANA

  1. Refer below options detail
  2. Current Schema:  SAP DB NAME
  3. Server: SAP Server Name
  4. User Name: HANA User ID
  5. Password: HANA PAssword

  1. You can get this info from iVend configuration manager

The above steps had a copy of the OITW table imported from HANA DB to iVend (SQL) DB.
Similarly, you can call/import other table data from HANA database for the requirement.
Once done you can continue the task at hand in the iVend HO database itself.