Steps to create New Store in iVend

Steps to create New Store in iVend


iVend 6.6 7989


Steps to create New Store in iVend HO MC


One can follow our e-Learning Video on Store Creation from below link/ portal: It is also suggested to create Store backup file from iVend Enterprise MC in downtime when no users are working in system by stopping the Integration & HO Replication services.

Or Please follow below steps: - 

Open Enterprise Management Console.
choose Administration > Retail Configuration > Store.
Click on New
  • Next, a new store master form will appear and one need to put all the mandatory fields such as Store Code, Selling Warehouse, Address, Retail Profile, Retail Price list and Cost price list

  • A new store also requires a new custom series for Customer, Vendor and Product. These series are used to generate automatic codes for Products, Customers, and Vendors.

 If customer is on iVend Cloud Services so there will be need to deploy the Replication files :

1. Store :
  File -iVendReplicationService.dll
 Path :C:\Program Files (x86)\CitiXsys\iVend Retail\iVendReplicationEngine\bin

2. Offline POS :
  File -iVendReplicationWinService.exe
 Path : C:\Program Files (x86)\CitiXsys\iVend Retail\iVendReplicationWinService

Search Screen

Search Criteria
Specify the code of the store to be searched.
Enter the description of the store(s) to be searched.
Search Results
Displays the code of the store(s) searched.
Displays the description of the store(s) searched.
Displays the Subsidiary of the Store searched.(If Subsidiary is enabled)
Setup Screen
Enter the code of the store. A unique code of maximum 20 alphanumeric characters can be entered.
Enter the description for the store. A description of maximum 100 alphanumeric characters can be entered.
Tax Number
Tax Number is location specific requirement and is not mandatory field.  
Select a Subsidiary to which the store belongs from the list of Subsidiary(s).  Click [...] to open the Subsidiary Search screen and select the Subsidiary.
 After selecting subsidiary - Selling Warehouse, Retail Profile, Cash Customer, Purchase Tax Code, Sales Tax Code, Fulfillment Plan for Layaway/Special Order, Layaway Plan, Sales Person, Store Group, Price List – will be filtered as per selected subsidiary while searching for selection.
 This field will be available if subsidiary is enabled. Once saved the master, assigned Subsidiary cannot be changed.
Selling Warehouse
Select a warehouse from the list of warehouses. Click [...] to open the Warehouse Search screen and select the warehouse.
The selling warehouse of a store cannot be edited.
Displays the address of the store. Click [...] to open the Address screen and enter the address details.
Enter the e-mail address for the store.
Enter the name of the bank where the store has its account.
Bank Account
Enter the store’s bank account number.
Retail Profile
Select a Retail Profile from the list of profiles. Click [...] to open the Retail Profile Search screen and select the profile. To add a new retail profile, press F3 or click on [F3 New] button in the Retail Profile Search screen.
Store Mode
Select the Store Mode from Here. Possible Values:
•EnterpriseWithStore: In this mode, one store can be assigned to the Head Office. The value of Site Id for this mode is 1.
•Store: Multiple stores can be defined in this mode. The value for this mode is running serial numbers, starting from 2. This is system-generated value.
Note: Only one Store can be created with EnterpriseWithStore mode selected. After this field would be disable.
Site Id
Site Id is a auto generated disabled field based on selected store mode.
Cash Customer
The field enables to specify a cash customer for the store. This is the default customer who will be selected at the POS attached to the store so that the user at POS will not have to select the customer for every transaction.
Select a cash customer from the list of customers. Click [...] to open the Customer Search screen and select the customer.
To add a new customer, press F3 or click on [F3 New] button in the Customer Search screen.
Purchase Tax Code
Select a code from the list of tax codes. Click [...] to open the Tax Code Search screen and select a tax code.
Separate tax codes for purchase and sales are required for countries like Australia and UK where input and output taxes are used. For other countries, the same tax code can be specified for both purchase and sale.
Sales Tax Code
Select a code from the list of tax codes. Click [...] to open the Tax Code Search screen and select a default tax code.
Fulfillment Plan for Special Order
Select a default fulfillment plan from the list of plans. Click [...] to open the Fulfillment Plan Search screen and select the plan. Only delivery type of plans are allowed to be attached as the default fulfillment plan for special orders.
To add a new plan, press F3 or click on [F3 New] button in the Fulfillment Plan Search screen.
Fulfillment Plan for Layaway
Select a fulfillment plan from the list of plans. Click … to open the Fulfillment Plan Search screen and select the plan.  The selected plan would be defaulted to all the layaway items in a transaction.
To add a new plan, press “F3” or click on “F3 New” button in the Fulfillment Plan Search screen.
Layaway Plan
Select a default layaway plan from the list of plans. Click [...] to open the Layaway Plan Search screen and select the plan.
To add a new plan, press F3 or click on [F3 New] button in the Layaway Plan Search screen.
Sales Person
Select a default sales person from the list of sales persons. Click [...] to open the Employee Search screen and select a sales person.
Reassign All Tills At End Of Day
Select this option if all the Master Tills are to be Reassigned to their default user/teams at the End Of Day.
Hardware Profile
Hardware profile is the profile of the peripherals that are attached to the store manager.
This is used for setting up the scanner etc., at the Management Console so that the items can be scanned for the inventory transactions such as goods receipt, GRPO, inventory transfers etc.
Store Group (Taxation)
User has an option to attach a store group to this store. Setting this will enable the user to just update the Tax Code attached to the group instead of updating the default sales tax code for the individual stores.
Store Group (Pricing)
User has an option to attach a store group to this store. Setting this will enable the user to just update the pricelist to the attached group instead of updating the pricelist for the individual stores.
Price List
If the Store Group is not attached to this store, then user can select the pricelist from the list of available price list. The pricing of items at POS will be picked from the attached price list of the corresponding store.
Cost Price List
Select the cost price list from the list of the available price list. The cost price of an item will be picked up from this cost price list while doing a goods receipt and at the time of raising a purchase order. This is visible when integrated with ERP.
Retail Price List
Retail Price list is price list available only to print on labels.
Is On Premise
This is only visible in case iVend is not running in iVend Unplugged mode
Enable SSL
Select this option in case the Store APIs uses a SSL connection.
Use Store Scheduler Service
When the store scheduler service has to be used for processing the Alert notification else Enterprise scheduler service will be used for the processing of Alert notifcations.
Do Automatic EndofDay
Select the checkbox. This will trigger EndofDay event on POS.
Automatic EndOfDay Time
Select the desired time of the day when EndofDay event is required to be triggered on POS.
API Server
Full Server Address
Enter the Host Address where iVend Store APIs are configured.
Custom Series
Click on the button to define the custom series of the customer, vendor and products for the store being defined.
Registered Management Console
List the registered management console for the store.
Define Fiscal Mask
This is location specific to Fiscal masking for Dominican Republic.
Registered Handlheld Devices
Clicking on this button will show the list of handhelds connected to the specified store.
Price List
Open the Store Price List screen using this button, and add/delete a price list for the selected store. Select multiple price list and set their effective date on Store Price List page.
The button updates changes to the database and closes the screen.
The button does not save any changes and closes the screen.


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