Steps to check the issue : 'Database size increase

Steps to check the issue : 'Database size increase

Scenario :

If iVend database size is high in size, suggest to check the following information :

Steps :

1) Where is the user getting this abnormal data in size (Enterprise or Store)
2) What is the SQL server version. (Express edition has a limit and SQL version may help in narrowing down the cause)
3) Go to SQL server --> Right click on the concerned DB --> Click on Properties --> Click on Options -->(ask customer to) share the screenshot  the recovery model should be "Simple"

4) Right click on the DB --> select Reports --> Disk usage by top tables --> share the screenshot of this screen with us  
Check which table is occupying the most space and if it is an abnormal behavior.

5) Try to shrink the database in downtime with taking backup of existing one.
Precautions : such activities should be performed in customer downtime when noone is working on iVend databases.