Steps to add a new warehouse in Magento

Steps to add a new warehouse in Magento

******************** Internal to CitiXsys**************************


Sometime customer may ask to add a new Warehouse (which is already present in ERP and iVend) in Magento to see the stock.


Below are the steps to add a new warehouse in Magento:
1) Stop the Magento service: Below is the screenshot of iVend-Magento connection manager >> Click on Stop button to stop the service:

2)a.Go to Magento Connection Manager Screen >> iVend Settings tab >> Go to “Sync Inventory from Warehouses” section >> There will be tick on few Warehouses which are already synced and available in Magento >> Keep the screenshot of this screen >> Click on Refresh button >> Shown as below screenshot:

b.All warehouse available in iVend will appear in “Sync Inventory from Warehouses” section >> Tick all previous warehouses (from the screenshot which was taken above) and also add new warehouse which should reach to Magento >> Click on the update button of the Service shown as below:

Start the Service

3) Go to Magento Admin Page >> Go to Store Section >> Select “Sources” >> Check new added warehouse should be in sources list now along with existing warehouses >> below is the screenshot for the same:

c.If newly added warehouse is not available in Sources, then >> Update that warehouse description (or anything to trigger update event) in Enterprise MC in iVend >>
d.It will make this warehouse available in source in Magento once synced to Magento
e.Go to Magento Admin Page >> Store >> Stock >> Add new warehouse in the stock screen as below:

f.Now Update Magento Stock for items for this warehouse >> >> Do any stock operation (Good Recipts etc) >> Stock associated to new warehouse should sync to Magento with this step

4) Re-indexing in Magento

Please run below commands at Magento root directory 

sudo php bin/magento indexer:reindex

sudo php bin/magento cron:install

5) In Magento >> Admin page >> Check the stock.

Exercise completed.

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