SQL Queries : iVend Enterprise /HO database Purge

SQL Queries : iVend Enterprise /HO database Purge

****************INTERNAL TO SUPPORT TEAM ( Not for Customers)  *************************
Note:-This article is created only for Support team and will be done along  with  product expert.


iVend 6.6 integrated with SAPB1

Problem Statement: 

iVend 6.6 Enterprise/HO database is getting increased in size becuase of high volume of tranaction data and there is need to purge the iVend Enterprise /HO database

Symptoms: NA

Resolution/Work Around: 


Schedule in SQL Job: 
Declare @PurgeDate Datetime
Declare @FinalPurgeDate Nvarchar(50)
SET @PurgeDate = '2023-01-01 00:00:00.000'   -- <<YYYY-MM-DD>> This is Cutoff Date you want to Choose for Purge Database i.e after Purging data will be available after this date only.
-- This Job will Delete 5 Days Data in One Execution and will execute daily untill Purge Date will Match. In case you want to Increase 5 days to 7 days you can change 5 to 7 in Below Query.

 Select  @FinalPurgeDate=  CONVERT(nvarchar(50), CASE WHEN ((min(businessdate)+5) < @PurgeDate) THEN (min(businessdate)+5 ) ELSE @PurgeDate  END , 112) from trxtransaction (nolock)

Print @FinalPurgeDate

exec sp_DatabasePurge @FinalPurgeDate , 0,1

Step2 :

Apply the attached SQL Procedure sp_DatabasePurge 

Step3 :

CUstomer need to validate on daily bases via below query that data was deleted or not.

Select min(businessdate) from trxtransaction (nolock) 

Recommendations /Suggestion:  NA

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