Security Role and Security User

Security Role and Security User

Security Role and Security User

Security Roles

iVend Retail 6.5 allows the user to set up Security Roles and assign various Security Rights to these roles.

You can setup roles like – Manager’s Role, Cashier’s Role, Sales Person’s Role and so on. Based upon the pre-defined roles, one can decide what access rights should be assigned to a role, depending upon his/her position in the managerial hierarchy.

Business Case

A Retailer can determine who is being assigned to and what is being assigned to, in the iVend Retail application. It gives the Retailers a granular control over the application thereby ensuring effective management and robust security at the same time. For example, assigning rights to users based upon their position within the organization, the POS rights be given only to POS users, Business Transaction rights be given only to the Inventory Staff users.

Benefits of Security Roles

· Security roles helps the retailer to provide the appropriate authorization based upon the user’s roles and responsibilities.

· iVend Retail 6.5 enables the retailers to map the Display Profiles to the security roles. Display Profiles helps to set and save different screen customizations, per group of users, based on the type of role they have in the organization on the iVend screens. For example, a Store Manager role can be configured in such a way that he can see much more detail on the Customer and the Product master screens as compared to what a standard Cashier can see on his screen.

· iVend Retail 6.5 enables the retailers to assign the Security roles at the store level. With iVend version 6.5 and above, the Store Manager can also assign roles to newly created POS users.

Setup and configuration

iVend 6.5 comes with the standard security role of “Administrator Role” as part of the initial installation. This role consist consists of all the access rights that can be given to the user.


Note: The Retail can define an unlimited number of the roles based upon the business requirements.


Log into the iVend Management Console and navigate to: Administration > Authorization > Security Role – the Security Role Search screen pops up.

Figure 1 – Security Role Search


You may click on the [F3 New] button to define a new Security Role or click the [F4 Edit] button to edit an existing Security Role or click on the [F7 View] button to view an existing Security Role.


Figure 2 – Security Role Screen


To assign the Security Rights, click on the [Assign Security Rights] button located in the Security Role setup screen.


The table below, provides a detailed explanation of the fields utilized in the creation of a new Security Role: -




Enter a unique code for the Security Role. A maximum of 20 alpha-numeric characters are allowed.


Enter the description for the Security Role. 

Can Assign Role At Store



When checked then the Security Roles can be assigned to other users at the Store level.

When unchecked then the Security Roles can only be assigned from the Enterprise.


Display Profile

This field is used to select a Display Profile for the Security Role.

The Display Profile is used to save screen customizations for a user or group of users under any role. Every security role will have a Display Profile attached to it. When a user with a particular Role logs into the Management Console, then the corresponding customization will be applied to the screens that they have access to.

[Assign Security Rights]

This button enables the user to assign the Security Rights to the Security Role being setup.

Click on this e button to display the “Security Rights” search screen and select the security rights for the role.



Note: The Display Profile can be configured via the Management Console.  - Administration > Retail Configuration > Display Profile.


Figure 3 – Display Profile Screen



Security Rights

 The screen image below lists all of the options available in the system for the Security Rights settings and allows the user to setup the access level for each of these options.

Figure 4 – Security Rights Screen


Security Rights




Displays the list of various activities and options in the system.

Access Level

Select one of the access levels to provide the necessary authorization desired. The options are: No | Read | Update | Add Update | Full


This button saves and updates the changes made into database and closes the screen


This button does not save any of the changes made and closes the screen


Figure 5 – Security Rights Screen


Access Levels Explained




No rights to the selected option


Only read rights to the selected option


The user can view and update the values of the selected option.

Add Update

The user can view, add and update the values of the selected option


The user can add, edit, delete and view the selected option.


Security User


iVend Retail 6.5 and above enables the Administrator and/or User to search for existing Security Users in order to make modifications and to set up new users. All iVend users have to be set up as a Security User, to provide him/her with the rights to access various features in the Management Console and/or POS.


To create a new user, the Administrator logs into the Management Console using their administrator/user’s own code and password as it was setup in this screen.


With the standard installation of the iVend Retail application, User “1” can be used to log in to the Management Console to define the new Security Users. User “1” is reserved as the Super Administration User with Full access rights over all options and functions, which cannot be changed.

 Business Case


A Retailer who is using the iVend application wants to provide the separate login to each iVend user so that users can use iVend retail as per his or her their roles and responsibility. Retailers who has the user assigned to stores can be mapped in the security roles.

 Benefits of Creating a Security User


· Retailers can define separate Security Users for the Enterprise Management Console and the Store Management Consoles.

· Separate Users can be defined for login to the POS and the Management Console in the setup.

· Audit Logs can be maintained within in the iVend application, in case different users are created to post the data in the Management Console and/or the POS.


Pre-requisites for Creating a New Security User in the Management Console

a. The user must first be defined as an employee in the Management Console under: Human Resources > Employee.

b. The Security Roles must be defined and /updated to accommodate the new user.

Figure 6 – Employee Setup Screen


Setup and Configuration


The Security User option is located in the Management Console. Log into the iVend Management Console and navigate to: Administration > Authorization > Security User – the Security User Search screen pops up.

Figure 7 – Security User Search Screen


You may click on the [F3 New] button to create a new Security User or click the [F4 Edit] button to edit an existing Security User or click on the [F7 View] button to view an existing Security User.

Figure 8 – Security User Screen


Note: The fields Login ID, Electronic ID and Security Role are mandatory fields.


The table below provides a detailed explanation of are the screen setup the field details in the Security User setup screen: -

Security User



Login Id

Enter the a Login ID for the of Security User


Enter the password for the Security User. The minimum length of the password should be of seven (7) characters and must include at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 with numeric and 1 special character. An example for a password that meets this requirement is: Pass@123

Electronic Id

Enter an Electronic ID. This code is used in conjunction if the user uses a Magnetic Card or Barcode Type Card to log into the system instead of manually entering a User Id and Password.

Security Role

Select a Role from the list of existing Roles. One can choose to create a new role by clicking on the [F3 New] New(F3) button from the “Security Role” screen.


Select an user Employee from the list of existing employees under Human Resources

Must Use Magnetic Card

Select this option to enforce the Security User to use a Magnetic Card to login instead of entering a User Id and Password while logging into the Management Console or the POS.


Check this flag to enable the Security User as being Active.

Can Change Password

Select this option to enable the Security User with the option to change his/her password while logging into the Management Console or the POS.


This will be checked if the user is locked by the system.

User Type

Select the type of users. The options are: User | Training User | Both

Existing Training Database

This dropdown would list all the training databases configured in the system.



Training Database Name

Select the database from the Existing Training database field or for if creating a new training database enter the name in this field.

Is Enterprise User

Select this option if the user is an Enterprise user and is allowed to log into in the iVend Management Console on the iVend Enterprise server.


Select the store from the list of defined stores that this Security User is to be assigned to.

Note:-This option will be enabled if the “Is Enterprise User” option is unchecked.

Is Management Console User

Select this option if the user can login into the iVend Management Console.

Allow Dashboard Web Viewer

Select this option if n case the user is allowed to view the iVend Dashboards through the Web Viewer.

Is API Authentication User

Select this option if the user can authenticate REST APIs.

Note: An Authentication User cannot be an Enterprise, Management Console User or Web Viewer User. Also, there can be only one API Authentication User within the application.

Has License

Select this option if an iVend license will be applied directly for the User.

Is Cloud User

Select this option in the scenario where iVend is hosted on the cloud and the user being created is a user of the iVend Cloud solution.

Cloud User Name

System will automatically assign the Cloud User Name in event that the user is a Cloud user and iVend is hosted on the Cloud.

Cloud User First Name

Enter the iVend Cloud User’s First Name

Cloud User Last Name

Enter the iVend Cloud User’s Last Name


[Enroll Finger Print]

This button would be enabled if the system is attached to a Finger Print Reader (Biometric reader).

Click on this button to capture the User’s finger prints that will be used for authentication and for logging into the iVend Management Console and/or POS.

[Update Training Database]

Click this button, if you want to refresh the training database.


This button saves and updates the changes made to the database and closes the screen.


This button does not save any changes made and closes the screen.

Note: On upgrading iVend, the training database does not automatically get upgraded and therefore the manager must log into the iVend Management Console and update the training databases after an upgrade.


User levels

Production User

Can only connect to production database from the iVend application. All the transactions done by such users will be recorded in the production database.

Training User

Can only connect to Training database from the iVend application. All the transactions done by such users will be recorded in the Training database.


If the user is configured in this mode, then while logging into iVend, the user will be prompted to choose between the production mode and the training mode. Based upon the user’s selection the data would then be saved into the corresponding database chosen.


This concludes the document on - Security Role and Security User.


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