SBO Integration – Barcode is already attached with other item(s)

SBO Integration – Barcode is already attached with other item(s)


iVend Version 6.6 with SAPB1

Problem Statement:

INTEGRATION FAILURE LOG (from SAP to iVend, Product type) with error "Barcode ******* is already attached with other barcodes"


This issue comes when Barcode which is attached to the item in SAP is already linked with other items in iVend.
Resolution/Work Around:
So check the following setting in iVend MC on HO to allow Duplicate Barcode on products:
Path is MC >> Administration >> Enterprise >> Allow Duplicate Barcode On Product >> Below is the screenshot for the same:

This error is received because the system does not allow duplicate barcodes in iVend.
To allow duplicate barcodes in iVend, go to the Management Console, Enterprise Settings and then enable the option “Allow Duplicate Barcode on Product”
If the user does not want duplicate barcodes, then they need to find which product has this barcode and update the barcode. Utilise this query to find the products

Recommendations /Suggestion:

select * from InvUPCTranslation where UPC='xxx'
select * from InvProduct where UPC='xxx'
Replace ‘xxx’ in the above query with the barcode reported in the error message
Update the item barcode when identified to make them unique then retry the failed record.