SAPB1 AR invoice incorrect customer name.

SAPB1 AR invoice incorrect customer name.


iVend 6.6 with SAPB1 9.2 

Problem Statement:

There was one sale performed on iVend POS but when it got integrated from iVend to SAPB1, SAPB1 AR Invoice displays the different customer name as compared to customer master.

Symptoms :

There was one sale performed on iVend POS but when it got integrated from iVend to SAPB1, SAPB1 AR Invoice displays the different customer name as compared to customer master.

Resolution/Work Around:

When iVend POS sales Transaction gets integrated from iVend to SAPB1 , it displays the customer name in AR invoice from iVend table column ""TransactionCustomerName"  from TrxTransaction table   , not from customer master and it is suggested to check with cashier if user put such name manually on POS screen, such as sales edit

Recommendations /Suggestion: 

Not Applicable