SAP v 10 - FP 2208 hotfix 2 is compatible with the version of iVend 6.6 patch 7989

SAP v 10 - FP 2208 hotfix 2 is compatible with the version of iVend 6.6 patch 7989


iVend Version 6.6 , 7989 with ERP Name SAP Business One SAP v10.0 FP2208 Hotfix 2


Problem statement: 

SAP 10 compatibility query - Customer requested for guidance related to SAP v 10 & SAP v 10 FP 2208 hotfix 2 is compatible with the version of iVend (patch 7989)?




Resolution/Work Around: 

Yes, SAP v 10 & SAP v 10 FP 2208 hotfix 2 is compatible with the version of iVend (patch 7989). 


Recommendations /Suggestion: