SAP B1 System Message : Manufacturer can not be more than 20 characters

SAP B1 System Message : Manufacturer can not be more than 20 characters

Environment :

iVend 6.6 with SAP B1 9.2

Problem Statement :

While initializing iVend with SAPB1, it displays the message on iVend Retail Initialization screen  "Manufacturer can not be more than 20 characters"

Symptoms :

The length of characters in Manufacturer name is more than 20 .

Resolution/ Workaround :

  Need to check the table for Manufacturer in SAP B1 database and its length should not be more than 20 

select * from OMRC 

( For HANA DB use -  Select * from "OMRC" Where Length("FirmName") > 20)

Recommendations /Suggestion:If the query result shows the correct length then it is suggested to directly check in the SAP table if there are some additional spaces due to which character length is increasing .