New Row For Scan

Same product code scan on POS but it shows on the next line.

Environment :

iVend 6.6 with SAPB1

Problem Statement :

Same product code scan on POS but it shows on the next line.

Resolution/Work Around :

It's iVend functionality in which users have the option to choose "New Row For Scan" in the Retail Profile(Management Console>>Administration>> Retail Configuration).

Select the option if the user wants a new line to be created for every product scan during the transaction at the POS. For example, if the option is not checked and the same product is scanned twice, the quantity count in the Quantity field of the product is increased from 1 to 2 instead of showing the second scan as a separate line.

On selection of this option, at POS on scanning the barcode mask all item associated with the barcode mask will be added to the transaction as a new item. The lines on the transaction increase with each item listed in the barcode mask.  The receipt will individually print all the items associated with the barcode mask in separate lines.

Recommendations /Suggestion : 

Not Applicable

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