Sales Order delivery and deposit check

Sales Order delivery and deposit check

Sales Order delivery and deposit check

When the customer decides to pay the amount of the Sales Order in phases, configure the Management Console Enterprise Module by unchecking the “Collect Entire Sales Order Amount in Advance” box. This enables the customer to pay the amount in phases. For configuring the Payment in phases, configure SO Minimum Deposit required and SO Minimum percentage paid.


Figure 1 Enterprise Settings



Figure 2 SO Delivery Minimum Percentage Paid




Phase 1: SO Minimum Deposit Required – in percentage

This is the minimum amount in percentage that the customer is required to deposit at time of placing the Sales Order. Enter the percentage of document value against “SO Minimum Deposit Required” as decided by the management.




If management decides to take 10.00% of the total amount of SO at the time of placing the Sales Order, enter 10.00% for the “SO Minimum Deposit Required”. At POS when Sales Order is booked by the customer, a pop up will show minimum amount (which is 10% of the Total Sales Order amount) to be paid by the customer to place the order.


Phase 2: SO Delivery Minimum Percentage Paid – in percentage

This is the minimum amount in percentage that the customer is required to deposit at the time of taking the delivery of the goods listed in the Sales Order. Enter the percentage of document value against “SO Delivery Minimum Percentage Paid” as percentage partial payment required to be deposited at time of taking the delivery of items listed in the Sales Order.


: If management decides to take 80.00% of the total amount of SO at the time of delivering the items listed in Sales Order, then enter 80.00% for the “SO Delivery Minimum Percentage Paid”. At POS when Sales Order is delivered to the customer, a pop up will show minimum amount to be paid (which is 80% of the Total Sales Order amount minus advance amount paid at time of placing the Sales Order) by the customer at the time of order delivery.



Customer will have option to pay the amount of the Sales Order in phases. This option enables management to decide minimum percentage of Sales order required at time of booking the sales order and minimum percentage of Sales order required at time of delivery of the sales order.