Sale Transactions Integrated into SAP B1 with missing Payments

Sale Transactions Integrated into SAP B1 with missing Payments


iVend Version 6.6_7635 with SAP B1

Problem Statement: 

Sale Transactions Integrated into SAP B1 with Missing Payments.


Service Configuration Issue.

Resolution/Work Around: 

We have checked that transactions are integrated with SAP B1 from iVend while payments are not integrated. Initially we have checked one sale transaction 'bb599846-06d3-4b98-b9cc-4a02fdfbc856' and found that transaction payment not integrated with SAP B1, so we retriggerd the transaction after updating flag=0 and then checked the same, transaction payment got integrated with SAP B1.

You have also informed me that some other 50-sale transaction payments are not integrated to SAP B1 from iVend. Then we have re-processe the transactions to integrate the payments.

Recommendations / Suggestion: