Sale transactions are not syncing from iVend to SAP, the rest of the events are syncing to SAP

Sale transactions are not syncing from iVend to SAP, the rest of the events are syncing to SAP


Not the version-specific


The issue is reported that only Sale transactions are not syncing from iVend to SAP. However, the rest of the events are syncing to SAP without any issue.


It was analysed that all the transactions were showing as synced (flag =1) in RepIntegrationLog table however none was reaching SAP.

Then it was found that the customer is using Transaction roll-up (Consolidation) in his environment hence all the transactions are being marked as processed however no consolidation transaction is being created for these corresponding transactions.

Then we investigated and found that the Transaction Roll-up job (a SQL job which is created when we enable the Transaction roll-up) was pointing to another old database (current DB is backup of the OLD database) hence roll-up was not triggering for these transactions. Once DB's name was corrected in the Roll-up Job, consolidation started moving and transactions synced in SAP. Below is the screenshot for the Transaction Roll-up job in SQL:

To see the Database name: Right-click on the Job "TransactionRollup_CXSRetail-DemoStack" >> Properties >> Steps >> Edit >> Select the correct Database name from the List >> Click on OK
Below is the screenshot for the same: