Problem statement:
Replication not working at store(s).
It was observed that at iVend Enterprise/Store where the "iVend Cloud Security Enhancements"(TLS 1.2) enabled, does not have the compatible TLS 1.2 replication files. Some of the Customers also facing below error while restart the replication "The underlying connection was closed; An unexpected error occurred on send".
Resolution/Work Around:
If iVend Enterprise environment is TLS 1.2 protocol enabled but store server does not have TLS 1.2 compatible replication files then this issue can happen.
So if this is the case then it is suggested to check the TLS 1.2 compatible replication files are deployed at all stores/offline POS.
Also this is to take note that if the a store need to be re-initialized ( in such an environment) then these files are to be deployed manually again. Relevant path for the files is shared below
Go on store/Offline POS machine and Backup existing file and deploy on given path.
1.Store: File -iVendReplicationService.dll
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\CitiXsys\iVend Retail\iVendReplicationEngine\bin
2. Offline POS:
File -iVendReplicationWinService.exe
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\CitiXsys\iVend Retail\iVendReplicationWinService
Recommendations /Suggestion:
CS0008671, CS0008693, CS0008637