Replication Monitor

Replication Monitor


iVend Retail has an in-built data flow mechanism from the Head Office (Enterprise) to the Stores and likewise from the sStores to the Head oOffice – this mechanism is called Replication.

This data flow can contain the flow components such as new Master Data records, updates to mMaster Data update records, Transactions, Credit lLimits and Customer Balances, Loyalty Information, Pricing, Discounts, Promotions, and, Financials, etc.

There are two Replication Monitors are there in the iVend Management Console. One is specific for the Terminal Store Replication and the other another one is specific for the Mobile POS Replication.

Replication Monitor

The Replication mMonitor provide gives a view of records which are yet to be synced with the Store/Enterprise. The screen is available on both the Store and Enterprise 

Management Consoles.

When viewed on the eEnterprise, it shows the records which are yet to be replicated to the Stores. The User can select the store from the Destination selection box to see the records.

To open the Replication mMonitor go to: Administration >> IT Administration >> Replication Monitor:

The Administration / and/or Head Office user can see the records flowing from the Enterprise to the sStores, by selecting the specific store from the drop down – Refer to the screen image that follows for an example: mentioned in the below screenshot:

The Screen consists of the following:

1. Sequence Number: This shows the unique sequence number of the records pending for replication. These sequence numbers are system generated numbers but not user defined.

2. Replication Key: This shows the unique, system generated replication key.

3. Source Type: This shows the originating in table name for which the records are to be synced.

4. Type: It is specifically mentionedThis describes for the type of operation waiting to be performed, for example: Add, Update, etc.

5. Source Key: This shows the internal record key.

6. Process Date: This shows the time stamp of the record generation.n.

7. Status: This shows the status of the record. The status can be “In Process” or “Not Processed”.

8. [Refresh]: This button enables the user to refresh the Monitor view.

In the rReplication m Monitor, the user can also review the records in more detail.for the monitoring perspective.

By clicking on the “” Sign on the specific record line in the Replication mMonitor windows will , the user can expand the view for a particular record to see more detailed out the information about the record which is being synced. with the respective store.

Note: The iVend Replication Monitor will only be activated once the Store is physically initialized. For store initialization please refer to the Store initialization Article.

Replication Monitor – Mobile:

Replication Monitor - Mobile give provides a view of records which are yet to be synced with the mobile Mobile POS. The screen is available on both the sStore and the eEnterprise. The User can select the Mobile POS from the Destination selection box to see the relevant records associated with the Mobile POS at the store..

To view the Mobile POS Replication Monitor, is go to: Administration >> IT Administration >> Replication Monitor - Mobile

This monitor ensures the displays of the records which are moving towards the Mobile POS, which are connected either to the Enterprise or to the Store.

Records will be tagged with can be seen with the a status of such as Add, Update, etc.

It The Monitor will display all of the entire records which are moving from the different operational areas in iVend, such as in Master Records and Transactions.

The above screen image provides an example of the shot displaying the records that are being synced with the Mobile POS.

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