Replication Engine and Web Dashboard in iVend Retail 6.6

Replication Engine and Web Dashboard in iVend Retail 6.6

Replication Engine and Web Dashboard in iVend Retail 6.6

iVend Cloud offers seamless communication between the head office and stores. iVend Cloud comes with a replication engine at the head office. Replication environment is secure, and data from server is replicated simultaneously to all the client. Packet broadcasting between the Head office and Stores is minimized for attaining the optimum data transmission speed.

This replication engine has Replication Dashboard which displays the real time status of a transaction in between head office, store, and Offline POS. The stores with multiple POS can be easily managed and monitored at head office for the replicated data. The Replication Dashboard is viewable through any device which supports an internet browser. To setup the replication between the store and the Head office, iVend Configuration manager settings are performed on the Store and offline POS machine.The Replication Dashboard shows the following information:




Lists the Name of the Store/Offline POS connected to the server.

Enterprise Dashboard lists all the stores which are marked as On Premise along with the list of Offline POS which are either connected to Enterprise or are connected to the non-On Premise stores.

Store Dashboard lists the Enterprise along with all the Offline POS connected to the respective store.

Suspend For

To Suspend data exchange with a particular client, specify the period interval in minutes and then press on suspend button. This will suspend the data transfer for the specified interval. Once the interval is elapsed the data exchange with resume automatically.


This shows the status of the connection. If a client is connected then a green dot appears while disconnected client appears in red.

To be Sent:

This shows the number of records that are to be sent from server to the client.

Send but not received:

This shows the number of records that are already sent from server to client for which the acknowledgement from the client is pending.

To be Received

Shows the number of records to be received by server from the particular client.

Received but not Applied

Shows the number of records that are received by the server for which the acknowledgement is to be sent to a client.

Connected At

Shows the last connected time when client got successfully connected to server

Disconnected At

Shows the time when the client got disconnected from the server.

Data Sent

Shows the total data transfer in MB from server to client.

Data Sent At

Shows the last data sent time to the client

Data Received At

Shows the last data received time from the client.  

Data File Size

Enterprise Dashboard shows the database data file size of the client.

Store Dashboard shows data file for enterprise, will always appear as 0.

Log File Size

Enterprise Dashboard shows the database log file size of the client.

Store Dashboard shows log file for enterprise, will always appear as 0.

Optimize the Replication.

Replication between the Store and Head office is customizable and can be scheduled for periodical replication of data from one store to head office and from head office to another store.

Assuming there are three stores and a Head office namely:

NY Head Office (Enterprise Server)
NY Store (NY Store Server)
NJ Store (NJ Store Server)
NW Store (NW Store Server)

The data from NY Store gets replicated to the NY Head office and the database of the head office is updated with information from the NY Store.
The NY Store data from Head Office will then replicate to NJ Store and NW Store as per the scheduled configuration for replication on the NY Head Office (Enterprise Server). Based on the scheduled replication configuration at NY Head Office (Enterprise Server), the differential data of NY Store (one store) will replicate to the NJ Store and NW Store (other store).  The differential data is the delta from the previous replicated data.
Similarly, Data from NJ Store will replicate to NY Store and NW Store via Head office based on the scheduled configuration for replication on the NY Head Office (Enterprise Server) for the respective stores. This option is provided to optimize the Replication between the Stores and Head Office.

Replicate Inter Store Inventory

Option to enable and disable replication between the stores is available on the Enterprise settings screen. It is recommended to keep the option off. This will show real time inventory status of other stores without replicating data. A pop up message appears on clicking the enable checkbook. Click on Yes button to enable the Inter Store Inventory Replication.


Figure 18: Replicate Inter Store Inventory

It is recommended to keep the Replicate Inter Store Inventory as turned off, because when turning on, the option consumes a larger bandwidth since the packet are broadcasted over the network, which eventually slows down the network connection. Alternatively, Store A can get the information about the stocks at Store B from the Enterprise. For more information on iVend Installation and Configuration, refer to the iVend Retail 6.6 Installation Guide.

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