Remove Customer Master which has transaction and also remove those customer which has no transaction

Remove Customer Master which has transaction and also remove those customer which has no transaction


Ivend 6.6  

Problem statement:

Need to Remove Customer Master which has transaction and also need to remove those customers which has no transaction details.

Resolution/Work Around:

1. Remove customer master which has no transaction details:
When iVend is integrated with SAPB1, it is recommended to update masters from SAPB1. So if we click "Remove" from SAPB1 BP screen, it will generate the integration events towards iVend and once integration event is cleared, BP will be marked as deleted in iVend by itself.

2. Remove customer master which has existing transaction details:
We can make Uncheck Active field available in customer master from iVend and SAP, Because deleting will cause an error in any future reference's documents or report where that customer is used.

Recommendations /Suggestion: 

We never recommend deleting or altering the Master Data from iVend when system is in integrated environment.