Records stucked on Integration Failure with Error message System.Exception: DI:Enter valid currency

Records stucked on Integration Failure with Error message System.Exception: DI:Enter valid currency

Product version:

iVend 6.5 Update 6, iVend 6.6 with SAPB1

Problem statement :

Records stucked on Integration Failure with Error message from iVend to SAP

 System.Exception: DI:Enter valid currency code [OINV.DocCur] , 'KES'
at ReplicationSBOIntegrationWinSer.IntegrationObjects.Base.ARInvoice.CreateARInvoice(DataRow[] objDataRow, DataRow[] objDataRowSurcharges, DataSet ObjDataSetTransactionAttribute, DataSet ObjDataSetTransactionLineAttribute, Decimal passedRoundingAmount, Decimal& roundingAmount, Boolean& isRolledBack)
at ReplicationSBOIntegrationWinSer.IntegrationObjects.Transactions.Replicate(Direction From, Direction To, Int32 DatasetRowID)
at ReplicationSBOIntegrationWinSer.Integrator.MainStart(DateTime LastRetryAt, Boolean& Retried)

 Proposed solution:

Business Partner used in the SAP Customer Checkout transaction is assigned a currency in SAP Business One different from the one used in the sales transaction or the incoming payment/out-going payment. Either change the currency in SAP Business One for the customer to the right currency or set the currency in SAP Business One for the customer to All currency.