Query to verify Sales Transaction by Store report (Refund included)

Query to verify Sales Transaction by Store report (Refund included)

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Problem Statement

SQL Query to verify results of default iVend report "Sales Transaction by Store report (Refund included) "


Below query can be used to get a transaction level detail of the records /result coming from the default iVend report ( Sale transaction by store).

Date filter need to be given as per requirement

Select S.Id, Sum(CASE WHEN T1.Type=1 THEN -1*T1.TotalPostSaleDiscount ELSE T1.TotalPostSaleDiscount END ) OVER(Order BY S.Id), Sum(CASE WHEN T1.Type=1 THEN -1*T1.TotalPostSaleDiscount ELSE T1.TotalPostSaleDiscount END ) OVER() From TrxTransaction T WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN
TrxTransactionSaleItem T1 WITH (NOLOCK) ON T.TransactionKey=T1.TransactionKey
INNER JOIN RtlStore S WITH (NOLOCK) ON T.StoreKey=S.StoreKey
Where T.BusinessDate BETWEEN '2021-08-01' AND '2021-08-31'
AND T.IsVoided=0 AND T.IsSuspended=0 AND Type IN (0, 1)
Order BY 2