Quantity defined causes inventory to fall below defined minimum

Quantity defined causes inventory to fall below defined minimum

Product Version:

6.5 update 6 with SAP B1

Problem Statement:

Record stuck on Integration Failure Monitor error from iVend to SAP  with below error message.

Proposed Solution:
Verify the minimum inventory level defined in the Item Master Data -> Inventory Data tab. If the quantity in the document to be added will cause the ‘In Stock’ quantity to fall below the defined minimum stock, this message is shown. The minimum inventory level can be defined for the entire stock or for each warehouse where the item is stored. When it is defined for each warehouse, the ‘Manage Inventory by Warehouse’ option is selected; otherwise, the value is set in the ‘Minimum’ field of the ‘Item Master Data’ header.

There are two choices to resolve this issue:

  1. Remove the predefined minimum inventory level value.

  2. Set the Document Settings -> General Tab, set the ‘Response to Release of Inventory below Minimum Level’ to ‘Warning Only’.

Steps if any:



To ensure that the quantity of the item does not go negative, tick the ‘Block Negative Inventory’ box.