Prescription is not showing without Eye Glass order and appointment

Prescription is not showing without Eye Glass order and appointment

Problem Statement 

We have noticed that when user is trying to save prescription for new customer without any Eye Glass order and appointment. When we open the same customer again to see the saved prescription, it is not showing.

iVend 6.6 7989 with POS Patch Version 8087


Product Issue

Resolution/Work Around 

Our custom development team has checked the issue and found to be product issue. They have provided new custom optical add-on along with fix. We have registered the new add-on again and issue has been resolved. Please find below steps to verify the issue:

1. Login to the Point Of Sale.
2. Click order eye glasses Function.
3. Please add all the prescription information of the customer.
4. Click on save button then message shown data saved successfully.
5. Check the prescription again for the same Customer.
6. Prescription showing correctly.

Recommendations /Suggestion
: N/A

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