Payments by Cheque and Bank transfer gives error 'Cannot be greater than RWF0.00'

Payments by Cheque and Bank transfer gives error 'Cannot be greater than RWF0.00'

Product Version : 

iVend 6.6

Problem Statement : 

Payments by Cheque and Bank transfer gives error "Cannot be greater than RWF0.00"

Proposed Solution : 

User has informed that Cheque and Bank Transfer, the system gives an error that the amount cannot be greater than RWF 0.00 while getting the advance amount from the customer in POS. Need to enable the Allow Over Tender and after define allow over tender rate and then issue will be resolved.

Steps Need To Perform :

  1. Login with iVend POS and search the customer.

  2. Navigate to customer and search the product.

  3. Cheque and Bank Transfer, the system gives an error that the amount cannot be greater than RWF 0.00 while getting the advance amount from the customer in POS.

  1. Login with iVend MC  and Navigate to Payment type screen.

  2. Enable the allow over tender and define allow over tender rate for cheque and bank transfer, save the configuration and update the same.

  3. Login again with iVend POS.

  4. Navigate to Customer and search the same.

  5. Search the product and select it.

  6. Take advance payment using cheque or bank transfer payment type.

  7.  Verified that both payment type is working fine and user able to accept advance payment.

  8. Now issue has been resolved and advance payment from customer using cheque or bank transfer is working fine.