Open Stock Transfers- SQL Queries

Open Stock Transfers- SQL Queries


iVend 6.6 with SAPB1 10.

Problem Statement :  

There is need to have SQL Queried to find Open Stock Transfers in iVend Enterprise database

SQL Queries : 

Below Queries are used :
select a.StockTransferKey,a.FromWarehouseKey,a.ToWarehouseKey,a.BusinessDate,b.ProductKey,b.Quantity,b.QuantityOpen,b.QuantityReceived,b.QuantityShipped, as Warehouseid,c.InTransitWarehouseKey, as Itemcode,e.ProductKey, 
d.AvailableQuantity ,
d.InTransitQuantity ,
from InvStockTransfer  (nolock) a,
InvStockTransferdetail  (nolock) b,
InvWarehouse (nolock) c,
InvInventoryItem (nolock) d,
invproduct (nolock) e 
where a.StockTransferKey=b.StockTransferKey
and a.Status in (0,2) 
and a.ToWarehouseKey=c.WarehouseKey
and b.ProductKey=d.ProductKey
and d.ProductKey=e.ProductKey
and c.InTransitWarehouseKey=d.WarehouseKey

x.*, III.AvailableQuantity as 'INTRANSITQTY' from
Select ISTD.ProductKey, sum(istd.QuantityOpen) as TOTALOPENQTY from InvStockTransfer IST join InvStockTransferDetail ISTD on IST.StockTransferKey = ISTD.StockTransferKey where IST.Status in (0,2)
group by ISTD.ProductKey) as x join invinventoryitem III on x.ProductKey = III.ProductKey and III.WarehouseKey = 'PASS INTRASIT WAREHOUSE KEY' join InvProduct IP on IP.productkey = x.ProductKey
where x.TOTALOPENQTY > III.AvailableQuantity
** Need to pass the parameter of INTRASIT WAREHOUSE KEY

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