Object List Where Events Are Exposed

Object List Where Events Are Exposed


This knowledge base article contains a list of the iVend Retail Objects where their Events are exposed in the iVend Management Console and the iVend Retail Point of Sale.


iVend Version 6.5


This brief article provides a list of the Objects and whether their exposure is in the Management Console or the POS.

Objects Whose Events Are Exposed in the Management Console

The following table lists the Objects whose Events are exposed in the Management Console (MC):

Alternate Product

Assembly Details

Authorization Stage


Bar Code Mask

Bonus Buys





Customer Catalog

Customer Group

Customer Printing


Discount Resolution Setup

Document Number Series

Email SMS Template


Employee Position



Exchange Rate


Forecast Planning

Fulfillment Plan

Gift Certificate

Gift Certificate Receipts

Good Receipt

Goods Issue

Goods Receipt PO

Goods Return

Hardware Profile

Inventory Counting

Inventory Cycle

Inventory Revaluation

Item Printing

Job Code

Kit Setup

Layaway Plan


Location Transfer


Master Till

Merchandise Hierarchy



Package Group

Pole Display


Price List

Price Manager


Product Attribute

Product Category

Product Class

Product Gross Margin

Purchase Order

Reason Code


Retail Profile

Sale Attribute

Security User

Shipping Type

Stock Transfer Receipt


Stock Transfer Request

Stock Transfer Shipment

Store Group


Tax Events



Tax Code

Till Count

Transaction Item Attribute

Unit of Measure

Unit of Measure Group

Upsell Product


Vendor Group


Objects Whose Events Are Exposed in the POS

The following table lists the Objects whose Events are exposed in the Point of Sale (POS):

AR Payment Type

Cash-In Cash-Out

Coupon Item

Customer Search

Gift Certificate Item

Layaway Item

Lost Sale Item

Manage Expense

Manage Till

POS User Menu

Product Search

Quotation Item

Quotation To Sale Item

Sale Edit

Sale Exchange Item

Sale Item

Special Order Fulfillment Item

Special Order Item

Surcharge Item

Transaction Detail

Transaction Entry

Transaction Fulfillment

Transaction Payment

Transaction Search

Weighted Item

X Report

Z Report

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