iVend Version:
Not able to select MC in management console selection screen while login to MC.
This issue generally Occurs when a Database from one machine is used in another machine, because Database may store some information of old machine.
If you are not able to select MC in management console selection screen as shown below then follow these steps:
If the error you are facing is for Store MC then follow below steps:
1-In HO MC:
Go to Management Console >Administration>Retail Configuration>Management Console>Select the concerned store MC record.
2: The Below screen will appear. Remove the value from the Hardware Id section and click OK to save the results.
Once this information is updated at HO and replicated to store. Then you can try again by opening the Management Console.
If the issue persists please contact CitiXsys.
If The error you are facing is for HO MC, please contact CitiXsys Support.